When I was in the eleventh grade ('97-'98), my junior
year of high school, my English class read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Part of our assignment was to summarize each chapter after we read it and to draw a picture to accompany the summary. Since I wanted mine to look as
good as I could make it, I used a computer to type and illustrate the pictures. I printed the pages and assembled a book as was required by the class.
About two years passed when I came across the disks I used to save the files. I thought it would be a shame to delete the files, so I decided to put them on the Internet. Not only to let people access my summary, but to help me with my web site design skills. Consequently, here's the web site - complete with all the chapters from The Scarlet Letter.
I've included a few features in the web site. Each page, except this one, is coded with an autoRedirect to the next page (i.e. chapter 1 will automatically load chapter 2 after 60 seconds)[Not anymore.]. Once you start viewing the summary, you won't
be able to return to this page unless you do so by yourself or go to the table of contents, or chapter 24 which redirects to the table of contents (still works), where you'll find the only link to this page. I've also included a navigation menu at
the bottom of the chapter pages that will allow you to view any chapter. Finally, the information is displayed as if it was in book - just a display technique I wanted to try.