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Welcome one and all to the Homepage of the Lorenai Mercenary Guild.
We are a small organization dedicated to providing a source of reliable and affordable manpower
for all your security needs. We are also looking for a few good men to add to our group.
If you are intersted in joining or hiring, I ask you to please read the "Mercenary Code"
listed below. If after that you are still interested than feel free to contact one of our
representatives(also listed below).
Currently available for hire in the Aglarond, Dunbeath, Nogrod and Mystic Isle regions.
Mercenary Code
1. No Merc will fail to complete a contract, except
a. when faced with impossible odds. The Unit may offer a Guild Surrender.
This cancels the contract and any prepaid fee will be returned.
b. If the employer fails to provide support or payment as specified in the contract.
This cancels the contract but the Merc in this case will be entitled to the full contract price.
2. The Merc unit will have complete loyalty to his present employer as long as the contract
is in effect.
3. Betrayal or attack of a Guild Unit while not under contract will be considered an assault upon
the Guild.
4. A wereguild will be charged for any forces lost. This will be dependent upon the quality of
the units and will be stated specifically in the contract.
Disregard or dirct violation of any of the above codes(by employer or employee)
will result in punitive action being taken against the offending party by the Guild.
This will range from denial of access to Guild services to military action against the
Bonded Companies
Phelani Mercenary Company
Korgans Freebooters
Benoek Knights
Corsair Raiders
Black Company
Tym's Compendium
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