Welcome to my page
This page is usually under construction
Everybody, I'd like you to meet my new friend...
He is just a little dragon right now, but I'm sure with love and care from all of us, he will be a happy and healthy little guy... If you want to meet any of his friends, drop me a line or go to www.geocities.com/~thori : )

Hello Everybody!
On this page and some of its links you will be able to explore my world. This world is one of poetry and friendship, roleplaying games and historical re-enactment, pagan and wiccan fellowship, and the study of law.
In other words, I am a recently admitted attorney in the Fourth Department of New York. No, to all of my friends who think they can feel free to get in trouble now.
I am also a witch.
I write poetry 
and enjoy the company of my friends while we play various roleplaying games such as Vampire:the Masquerade. I also participate in various historical and fantasy re-enactment groups.
And I love Dragons.
I welcome correspondence from anyone. Please, look at my links and tell me what you think. Talk to me.....
Links to my personal pages
Links to my gaming pages
Links to related gaming pages
Buffalo By Night
The Empire of the Imperial Magistracy
Redlist Brujah
My poems
Links to other pages I manage, but not my personal pages
Shylok's Haven
Pagan Legal Society
Links to my friends' pages
Jason's page
Jeff's page
John's page
Justin's page
Links to other sites on the Web
The Astral Wizard's page. (A friend recently told me of this one, and it looks neat, though I am not done exploring it yet.)
I'll see everybody soon and I welcome input! Love you all!
© 1997 ravensong62@hotmail.com
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