Greetings and Welcome
to Zylara's Castle.
This page updated August 17, 2002.
Wizard pic copywright of Don Maitz.
Smaug and MUD Info page ....for smaug or mud questions and Site Locations.
Smaug 1.4 Bug/Fix list ....the list I made up from mailing list emails and fixed my smaug files below with.
Bug/Fix List Update ....the first update to the list.
My fixed Smaug 1.4 download files ....for running smaug in Win95/98. Two files needed.
Projects I am try'in to work on:
My Building Guide
Intro to my Guide ....the hows, whys, and basic commands. 7/25
OLC Room Building ....for smaug muds. *Almost finished* 7/25
OLC Mobile Building ....for smaug muds. *Coming Some time*
OLC Object Building ....for smaug muds. *Almost finished*
OLC Program Making ....for smaug muds. *Coming Some time*
OLC Reset Making ....for smaug muds. *Coming Some time*
Are you asking questions like these:
Can someone teach me how to code?
How do I make my OWN mud the way I want it?
Do I have to know how to code to make my own mud?
What files do I need to make my own mud?
What is a compiler and do I have to have one?
What are these .c, .h, and .o files?
What book should I get to teach myself how to code?
Do I need a special editor, or can I use wordpad/notepad?
Can a windows mud be put on a server?
What is a server and where do I find/get one?
Look here for some answers.
I have had some people ask me why I don't update my website and add frames and other cool stuff....not going to happen. When I first started this website I had an old computer with a 14 inch screen. It was annoying to me to go to webpages that I could not get my web browser to see the whole page due to a 14 inch monitor. So my website will remain the way it is since not everyone is lucky enough to have a 15, 17 or bigger monitor. And sorry, I don't like frames. Oh and I know some of my links don't work anymore, too busy with work and other things like tring to find a house right now. I will update and prolly move my whole website later after moving.
All images on my building guide pages are copywright of JONATHON BOWSER.
For info on using his artwork, use this link to go his Gallery.

Member of Smaug Mailing List.
Warning mailing list can be very spammy.
Be sure you wouldn't mind getting 100 emails,
or more, a day before subscribing to one.
My interests are:
Role playing games of any type.
Muds......addicted, beyond hope.
Pern book reader, or any books by Anne McCaffrey.
MTG card game.
Some of my favorite places to visit:
...FREE Animated Clip Art!.
...a good place to find webpage backgrounds, plus a lot more.
...a mud client for playing muds.
Elemental Realms
...Marem my oldest son, one of his current projects, a graphic mud.
Realms of Despair
...where I currently mud.
Nelkum's Realms of Despair Page
...the website of my favorite spell bot, Realms sweetest drow bot.
Auric's Repository
...the website of my other favorite spell bot, maps for some areas and the RoD database.
Druidic Cartographers Homepage
...where you can find maps, equipment, and mob info...and the RoD database.
The SMAUG mudlist
...a list of smaug code base muds.
The mud connector
...a complete listing of all muds found on the internet.
Moondancers Grove
...home page of my mud sis from back on CI, lots of building info here.
Ask Jeeves for something by asking a question.
Doctor Thaddeus Ozone
...a webpage I found while surfing that had me *ROFLMAO*.
I spent hours here and did NOT see it all.
Some basic information designed to help new builders and some mud related links.
Please feel free to email me anytime at...

Please come back soon and visit again.