Other fun stuff: Problems and Puzzles, Sounds, Misc. Links Complete rules for playing chess: FIDE Laws of Chess Lucena's Position written by Luis Lucena 1497 Ruy Lopez: Classical Defense - Ruy Lopez Analysis 1561 Giuoco Piano: Greco Variation - Gioachino Greco Analysis 1625 L'Analyse des Echecs written by Francois Philidor 1749 Paris 5th Match Game - St. Amant vs. Howard Staunton 1843 Immortal Game - Adolf Anderssen vs. Lionel Kieseritzky 1851 Evergreen Game - Adolf Anderssen vs. Jean Dufresne 1852 Paris Opera - Paul Morphy vs. Duke Karl & Count Isouard 1858 World Championship 9th Match Game - Johannes Zukertort vs. Wilhelm Steinitz 1886 World Championship 4th Match Game - Wilhelm Steinitz vs. Mikhail Chigorin 1892 Wilhelm Steinitz vs. Kurt Von Bardeleben 1895 Georg Rotlewi vs. Akiba Rubinstein 1907 Stepan Levitsky vs. Frank Marshall 1912 Emanuel Lasker vs. José Raúl Capablanca 1914 Game of the Century - Donald Byrne vs. Bobby Fischer 1956 World Championship 10th Match Game - Garry Kasparov vs. Viswanathan Anand 1995 Deep Blue Match with Garry Kasparov 1996 Deep Blue Rematch with Garry Kasparov 1997 |
phalanx (fá-langks, fal-angks) n. 1. In ancient Greece, a marching order of heavy infantry with close ranks and files. 2. Any massed or compact body or corps. 3. In chess, a group of pawns either advancing as an attacking force or standing side by side poised to advance. Top Of Page |