Hawn's Highlander Card Game Page |
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under construction, so remember to refresh.
This page has been accessed
times since 8/17/97 and was
last updated on 9/21/97.
Highlander and images used are trademark and/or copyright of Thunder Castle Games,Gaumont Television, or Davis-Panzer Productions.
I want to make this a great page, so Email Me with your suggestions.
Highlander Mailing List Information
The following swaps and discussion lists are the the card game only. If you want on the list regarding the TV Series, the Movies or the Animated Series, send a message to listserv@psuvm.psu.edu with "subscribe highla-l your-name" in the body of the message.
To subscribe put
"subscribe" as the subject of your message.
To unsubscribe put "unsubscribe" as the subject of your
Swaps list: highlander-swaps-request@monotreme.com
For Help, put
"help" as the subject of your message to
Discussion list: highlander-request@monotreme.com
For Help, put "help" as the subject of your message to
Highlander Online Community
IRC - Virtual Immortals: Online
conversation and Sanctioned Tourneys!
#TCG-Highlander on spider.dal.net port 7000, or most other
dal.net servers.
Signup for VI at the Virtual Immortals Home Page Today!
MUD - Valhalla: Telnet to
hal-alt.hal.com: port 2444.
Go North, North, then West
to the Dueling grounds.
When in the main area, be sure to look at the board, the Watcher, and the Chronicler. Then do a status, choose your portal and enter. When you get there, look at ground. This will give you a list of commands to use in dueling. It's intuitive given that knowledge. Valhalla supports constructed deck, Ranked league (sealed deck), and The Gathering league (sort of sealed deck with a constructed twist. You get cards and a Quickening based on your answers to several questions. The League ends when everyone's head is taken.)
E-Mail - Watcher's Journal:
E-Mail Highlander play. There can be only one!
Signup at the Watcher's Journal Home Page today!
If you are aware of any other online Highlander card game related services, please let me know!
Calendar of Events for Tulsa, OK
Demos are
held at The Original Game Shop every Saturday between 11:30 and
2:00 - 6524 E. 51st - (918) 663-5525.
30th - Sealed Deck: Movie/Series Edition - R-TECH - 2815 E Skelly
Drive / Suite 819 - 6:30pm
Entry Fee is $15.00 and includes 1 Movie Starter and 1 Series
Starter. Email Me for Details
* Tournaments
sponsored by R-TECH do not require an entry fee, except for
Sealed Deck Events.
* Tournaments sponsored by THE ORIGINAL GAME SHOP do not require
an entry fee, except for Sealed Deck Events.
Contact Ben at (918) 663-5525 for details on THE ORIGINAL GAME
SHOP sponsored events.
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