Katarn Commandos

Dedicated to the greatest, bravest, one-and-only hero of Dark Forces, Kyle Katarn.
NOTE: KATARN COMMANDOS IS CLOSED!!!! As is probably clear by how out of date the site is, I haven't updated anything in years, and what with my life and all it doesn't look like I will be anytime soon, or ever. So, I'm officially making it clear that this site is closed. I'll keep up the old info for anyone interested in the first two Dark Forces games, but no information after Mysteries of the Sith will be posted here ever AGAIN.
You can, however, check out my new Grand Admiral Thrawn site: Mitthrawnuruodo.blogspot.com/
Learn all about Kyle Katarn, the famous hero of Dark Forces.
Anything else that takes my fancy, including images, Star Wars humor, and the Jedi Knight character poll!
--Check out my Amazon.com SW Book and Game Reviews! (Can you say "egomaniac?")
Links to some of my favorite sites on the Net.
E-mail me, Zutt the Hutt, with any questions, comments, or criticisms you have about my site.
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"I should've kept working for the Empire."