Updated on June 30, 1998
This site is NOT updated on a weekly basis anymore, but please come back soon and see if there are any new updates.
Well, I know that I said that I was quitting Creature Valley, and so I thought that I was- but I have changed my mind. With the release of Creatures2 in September I think that I will just keep the site going. I can't believe how many Creatures sites have closed down, and how desolate the chat room is. Oh well, with the realease of the Creatures2 I think we will see a giant boom in the Creature population again.
Norn Ethics
There has been a disturbing occurence in the Creatures web community lately-- death threats. Not to norns, but to a guy named AntiNorn. His site Tortured Norns is raising a lot of controversy. Personally I am more concerned about the supposdly nice "norn lovers" that threaten to torture, beat, and even kill Antinorn. Also I am very concerned about the fact that people are trying to get him kicked off the web! The web is a communtiy of free speech. How many of you want someone telling you what sites you can visit and not visit? Or what if you were knocked off the web because your site was too stupid, colorful, unhelpful, or unrealistic? For this very reason I am joining the Blue Ribbon Campaign, to promote free speech on the web. I personally do not torture my norns or really agree that it is right, but if you don't like it stay away from his site!
I have really great news! I found out that someone kept up a tribute to Steerpike and has all of his COBs! So now you can still download his COBs, hey please send a thank you to Trissy and Steerpike, his site and COBs were awesome.
SteerPike's Curiosity Shoppe Closed down!
SteerPike asked me to warn people that his site is a bit wierd, but his COBs are excellent.
Tristin's Tribute to Steerpike
Well, here it is. Enjoy!
Slink's Burrow Online
This is a really good site for COBs also.

Send me your norns! And other Norns to download
Links to great Creatures Sites
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to visit the Valley since October 17, 1997.

Or I can be reached through ICQ, my UIN is 4486110
The Creatures Search Engine: AlbiaVista
The search engine hasn't been working lately, but I;m not going to remove it quite yet. If you have a Creatures Site make sure you add it to the engine.
Hey, guess what? Because Geocites added that really annoying water mark thing I get to delete my link to them!
Creatures is copyright Cyberlife, Inc.
All text and pictures on this site are copyright Renda Moon, 1998. Use only with permission of the webmaster.