"It is a pretty sight, isn't it?" a voice asks. You look around you, and finally down, at a gnome with white hair and a red hat. He smiles up at you. "I can take you down there, if you like. Though I only know of a few places where I can take you to." When you ask him which places he can lead you to, he describes the following places:
Va'Ador | On a distant island in the centre of Lake Ei'dal is an ancient fortress that has been rebuilt from a time immemorable for most, if not all. It was rebuilt into a citadel of peace, its name of Va'Ador fitting, for its keeper, Ultimus Thubanus Morkellion, is a peace-loving man, and is very wise. ((If you want to find the writings of Greg S. Whyte then this is his "subpage".)) |
Talonus | ((This is Ken A. Harrison's "subpage")) |
Sreknob | ((Follow this link and you will find Alexander C. Edgeworth's "subpage")) |
Da'ath | If you travel to the forests and follow the path of life you will reach the realm of Da'ath. The realm of Da'ath is a realm of truth and light. The elves of that land ask questions to learn and to follow the path of light. Ohev Da'ath, the steward of the land, invites you to come and ask your questions. ((Go here for the "subpage" of Matthew)) |
The Annals | Upon suggestion from someone who advised me to do this, this page is an attempt at logging what is placed on this site when. Hopefully, for you return visiters, this might help you to see what is new since your last visit. |
Va'Ador was designed and built by:
Ultimus Thubanus Morkellion (G.S. Whyte)
Lord Talon (Ken Harrison)
Lord Sreknob (Alec Edgeworth)
Ohev Da'ath (Matthew)
Last Updated: December 12, 2003