This Page is undergoing some heavy makeovers please come back to see whats new!



Released, Tribes update to V1.11. Fixes some server side bugs.
Remember to check your version before upgrading. downloading incremental
upgrades will be required for the latest versions.
Tribes V1.10.5 update to 1.11
Tribes V1.10 update to 1.10.5
Tribes V1.9 update to 1.10
Tribes V1.0 update to 1.9
Tribes V1.8 update to 1.9
Tribes V1.0 update to 1.8
Tribes V1.7 update to 1.8
Tribes V1.0 update to 1.7
Tribes V1.6 update to 1.7
Tribes V1.0 update to 1.5
Tribes V1.5 update to 1.6
Tribes V1.0 update to 1.4
Tribes V1.4 update to 1.5

If you want the the new features on the redneckslag module, download
rspbind.cs file and install in your autoexec.cs file.



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© 1998-2000, Sierra On-Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Tribes and the Tribes 2 logo are
trademarks of Sierra On-Line, Inc.