To Mainge's Castle

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For days you have wandered in this seemingly endless forest, you haven't eaten in days, your throat is parched from lack of water, you think to yourself "How can a forest as vast as this exist without water?". Just as you are about to fall over from exhaustion, a man in red robes appears before you, and says:

"Greetings, wanderer of the Internet. My name is Mainge, oh, excuse my rudeness, I'm not accustomed to having guests at my Castle, here drink." he says.

A canteen appears out of nowhere, the one called mainge hands it to you

"Here drink" he repeats.

You drink thirstily, it's the most cold, clear, and refreshing water you've ever had. You express your appreicatition to Mainge.

"Oh, it was nothing forget about it. Come my castle is to the north." he starts off, and you scramble to follow, you are still pretty tired.

You walk for what seems like an eternity though the water less forest, your curiouisity gets the best of you and you ask Mainge, "Excuse me, sir, but I have noticed that there is no water in this forest of yours."

"Ah, yes, I should fix that problem when I get back to the castle. You see it is my magic combined with the magic of nature, that has brought this forest to life, before it was nothing more than a barren desert, and that's why there isn't any water. I never thought about it before but it would look nicer with some water, don't you think?" he asks.

You attempt to suppress your laughter, a powerful magician, who creates a forest out of desert and forgets to add water! It's almost too much to bear, a few stifled laughs escape you, you quickly attempt to cover it up by coughing.

"Are you ok?" Mainge asks.

"Fine" you respond, "It must be all this dust." you chuckle.

Mainge laughs too. "ha ha, well, we are almost there, can you see it?" he says.

You almost kick yourself, on the other side of the castle is a clear sky blue lake, Why couldn't you have traveled that way? You ask yourself. "Excuse me but there does appear to be water here after all." You point to the lake in the distance.

"Ah yes, that used to be an oasis in the desert. Sorry, I forgot about that." he replies

His forgetfulness is beginning to get on your nerves. "Well" you say, "let's get going, shall we?"

"A most excellent idea, let's" he says.

You walk for probably a couple more hours, until you reach the gate of the castle. It's far more impressive up close that it was from a distance. "does anyone else live here?" you ask.

"Yes, in fact there are quite a few people here, mostly heroes on vacation. But, there are quite a few other people, villains, monsters, and many other things." he tells you.

"Villains and monsters?" A shiver runs dowm your spine.

"Don't worry, they are all pretty decent people." he says

"As if that's reasurring" you mutter.

"Did you say something?" Mainge asks.

You quickly think of something else to say. "Do you mind if I wander around for a while?" you ask.

"No please be my guest, Feel free to explore any part of my castle. I'll have some heroes help you out with a small tour of some areas of the castle, they are pretty busy too, so they can't take you every where, feel free to talk to anyone here if you have some questions. I highly recommend that you also have some items help you tranverse the castle, they can be found in the storage locker by the gate. Edgar! Sabin! Come give my guest a tour.

"Sure why not? This way please." They both say it at the same time, which makes you think it was practiced.

"Enjoy my Castle, and please sign my guest book, until next time" He suddenly disappears in a blast of smoke.

"Does he always do that?" you ask edgar.

Yes, he comes and goes as he pleases." he replies.

"Then why didn't he just teleport both of us here, instead of walking all that $%&@*%@&%$ way?" you yell.

They look at each other and then back to you and shrug. "This way please, if you would pick up the items in the storage locker it would help make your stay more enjoyable" Sabin points the locker.

Netscape 4.0 or better, and Crescendo to help you maximize the music's performance.

If you have chosen well and have the items that you know will allow you to transerse the first gate then please enter, if you are not sure, then please take the second gate." Sabin tells you.

You are listening to: "Unexplored Lands" from FF5. FF5 was only released in Japan, and not the U.S. so I'm not surprised if you haven't heard of it.

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