KickAss's Alliance
have been to this page so far!
The Bad Company Alliance was started in 9/10/97 by KickAss. We have been quickly climbing the charts in hope of making our way to the top. Currently there are 11 members ranging from Private to Lt. General.
Alliance related links!
Everything you would ever need or want to know about this great alliance:
Members Take a look at the current members to this aliance who are currently climbing their way up the HOF, and what they have to say!
Player of the Month Award - Giving credit to the many great achievments of Bad Company's great members!
Attila's MetalKnights Metal Knights page for the Enlightened! from a fellow member
I'm going through the dozens of links and here are the best ones related to this great game:
Metal Knights Homepage The offical Metal Knights Homepage!
Wef's Support Page Where to go to find the MK BBS, and a collection of tips
Cartography I have been a member of the new Cartography Council for a couple months now, and I have made this page to help those soon to be Mapmakers.
Some misselanious links for anything else you would need:
Tips Some usefull tips that Ive learned from the MANY games I've played throughout my MK career!
Games Links to several other great interent-playable games!
Links Collection of my favorite web-pages for your web-surfing enjoyment!
That pretty much says it all!
This Metal Knights Webring site is owned by KickAss.
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Want to join the ring? Click here for info.
For any questions or comments regarding this web page
or this alliance, please email me at
This page was created by KickAss