Welcome to Meet the Change Master! I am LoF Daze, and I have the pleasure of serving the Lords of Freedom as its second leader, following the footsteps of the guild's founder, LoF LrdJor.
While this page was updated on 4/8/97, it will
always be .
The closing of NeverWinter Nights was a catalyst for change for many organizations. While some guilds died off, LoF rose to new heights, expanding into new lands, meeting new friends and solving new quests.
With LoE now open, the Lords of Freedom are moving steadily towards establishing a firm presence in the environs of Havenburg, and are one of four guilds to be included in the game's first mini-guild town.
While LoF has yet to be recognized in Dark Sun Online, we have begun to establish a presence there, and I look forward to watching our colony flourish.
I am proud to announce that the Lords of Freedom have completed work on two new Archetypes in which our members can earn promotions. The Literary Archetype recognizes our members' fine efforts at posting roleplay, while the Empyrian Archetype is for players in LoE.
To get to our evolutionary new document and review the Archetypes, just click the image below:
In addition to these fine accomplishments, we
have also completed work on the Great Guild Guide for our Empyrian Archetype.
In it are the charters for the 55+ guilds which currently exist in Lords
of Empyria. That wonderful document can be found here....
Recently it was suggested to me that many guilds suffer from internal power struggles. After reviewing my experiences with this guild and watching others, it appears to me that this is so because the people involved in those struggles want power. Which in turn means that it is a valued commodity in limited supply which needs to be wrested from another in order to be had.
In LoF, this is not true. Our structure and purpose does not rest or depend on the balance of power. We really have no such thing. We built in stability through loosening the function of the structure while at the same time tightening and solidifying the structure through its purpose. It isn't what we do as a guild which has value...any group of people can do the game things. Its the why we do it...the purpose to which we are committed...that is what has allowed us to survive and grow.
One of the first accomplishments since my appointment was removing all dictatorial power of the Guild Master. There is no more dictatorship. The only power a Guild Master should have is that of referent power, where people defer to his or her knowledge base and experience in terms of organizational and personal vision.
The key element of power is NOT in the having or using. It is in the giving. If you are able to give power, then it is obvious that you have it.
In order to more properly reflect our values and beliefs, we have evoloved the "Guild Master" title to make it reflect what it truly is...Change Master.
Personal Statement
As the Change Master, it is my duty to Kaizen (seek small, frequent improvements over time as opposed to sudden bursts of innovation) our structure and activities as well as perpetuate the guild's existence by working with our brothers and sisters in creating an organizational structure which will allow for our members to have maximum freedoms as they pursue both their life and game goals.
As Change Master, I must have a set of personal values and principles to which I have deep commitment, and I need to ensure that its members have the same commitment to their own values and principles.
Organizations don't act or behave, its people do. If our members are in alignment with their values and principles, then their behavior will also be in alignment, and the guild will function beautifully.
As we are human, from time to time we fall out of alignment, and it then that the true character of our members is visible. When we become unaligned, we must seek self-correction so that our behavior in the guild, and thus the guild's behavior, does not move or act in ways contrary to our values and principals.
The purpose of the Lords of Freedom is more than just providing people with a group of others with whom to play the game and role-play. Our members already have the fine raw qualities that create a great human.
We do not seek to mold our members...we feel that people who join our guild are only wishing for a place to continue to unfold and realize their life mission: To be kind to our fellow humans and help them in whatever ways we can, while at the same time advancing our own selves to higher levels of enlightenment. It is through this enlightenment that our members will find freedom.
I also happen to be available through ICQ, and here is how ya get me. My number is 3626785.
Now perhaps you feel like ya wanna join the Lords of Freedom. Well, here's a test for you....see that guy just down below? The one preparing to flip a fireball at your favorite mother? Well...pop him in the nose. If ya hit him right, you'll get to our Application.
If you already play in Lords of Empyria, and want to see our home there, follow this link.
Should you be interested in the wonderful world of Athas, which exists on the Total Entertainment Network (a.k.a. TEN), then go to the Dark Sun Sphere in Games.
And if you play in The Realm, you can get the free software here...
Personal Information
The picture below is LoF Daze (on left) with a fellow DeadHead hanging out with Jerry Garcia on June 24th, 1993 at the C&P Art Gallery in Washington, D.C. And of course, by slapping Jerry 5, you can get to Deadhead Land. WE MISS YOU JERRY!!!!
And now, for your viewing pleasure...my wife-to-be....Dana....
And if ya made it this far, and feel compelled
to send me mail, do feed LoFibian below.
And now for something really stupid and potentially