Red Alert 2: Tactical Warfare
This is the website for Red Alert 2: Tactical Warfare. a mod for Red Alert 2.
Note: I know this site is really atrocious looking, but I don't have the time to complete a decent mod and upkeep a pretty website. Its just the barebones here =)
2/7/01(again)- Ok, fixed it, new copy is up, sorry for the trouble this may have caused.
2/7/01- Shiznit. Version 1.5b is bugged- I screwed up the spotlights... a bugfix will be up by 4 pm est this afternoon.... sorry =(
2/6/01- Alright, version 1.5b (I'm calling it 1.5b now since I'm going in .5 increments from now on- 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 etc) is up, I rather like the way the mod is going... if you like the mod, hey, feel free to shoot me an email, support really puts a smile on my face =) and, feel free to tell your friends, the more people play the mod, the bigger my smile gets =P Alright, enjoy guys
2/5/01- I'm receiving pretty positive feedback about the mod. That's cool =) I do it for you guys, so =P Let's see, version 1.6 will be out by the end of today (or maybe tomorrow if I run out of time today), it'll basically be tweaks and stuff (like the fact that I forgot to put all the ini's in expand01.mix, which causes way too much clutter) the major changes in it:
- New Infantry are now all the correct sizes... however, this takes away from the
quality/detail of the image- tell me if you guys like it better this way or the original.
- Commando Rocketeer and Shock Commando will now need an Advanced Battle Lab to be built
- Melta and Quake Tanks will cost more and have a buildlimit of 5
- Laser weapons can't shoot thru walls anymore (but they can destroy them; i.e. Prism
- Terror drones are trainable,as are harvesters (just so that harvesters get upgrade when
you infiltrate enemy Weap Factory)
- The AI will now build Service Depots, and accordingly, Support Artillery (actually makes
Brutal enemies somewhat of a challenge =D)
- And, if I can get it done in time, I'm working on a Helipad repair bay that can repair
aircraft (since they're so damned expensive =P; and giving the AIrforce Command the
ability to repair is screwy- the plane keeps trying to fly away and land somewhere else
after its been repaired. grrr.)
So, that should be out sometime today or tomorrow, the only thing I have left to do is the Helipad repair bay (the art.ini stuff made my head dizzy so I took a break for the rest of yesterday afternoon *grin*)
2/2/01- First public release
Features- new features in this mod include:
- Increased all weapons' effectiveness against infantry, and decreased rifles'
effectiveness against armor
- Added new units to all countries, at least 4 per country, for at least 40 new units and
- Each country's new units are specific to that country and reflect their specialization
(speed, armor, etc)
- At the Skirmish/Multiplayer "Loading" screen, you are given a list of your
country's new units and their prerequisites, and what units are veteran for your country.
- Individual veteran units specific to each country
- Countries now all specialize in 2 of 4 areas: Buildtime, Armor, Cost, and Speed
- New defense structures
- All defense structures, when selected, show their range in a visible radius
- Ability of defense structures to become veteran/elite
- Balancing of some units and weapons
- New Infantry include: Shock Commando, Grenadier, Medic, Heavy Machinegunner
- New Units include: Panther A60 Tank, Drillclaw Tank, Chieftain Battle tank, M113 APC
- New Buildings include: Advanced Battle Lab, Lightnign Rod, Psychic Intensifier
- New Defense Structures include: Rocket Tower, Flame Tower, Support Artillery
- Many other features, listed in the documentation (is included in the mod zip, but you
can download it separately here.)
Coming Soon (In later features):
- New icons for new units/buildings
- New aircraft
- New seacraft
- AI tweaking
- More new buildings
- New features dealing with spies and engineers
Downloads (newest at top):
2/6/01- Red Alert 2: Tactical Warfare version 1.5b (second public release): here.
2/2/01- Red Alert 2: Tactical Warfare version 1.5 (first public release): here.
Contact Info:, as scorpoeye45 on the BP:RA2 Forums, 2500845 on ICQ (which I haven't been on in a year at least =P)
Feel free to distribute the mod to your friends, just keep everything unaltered (unless its just going to your buddy across the street =D); webmasters, if you put the file up for download, do not link back to the file contained here; Freeservers doesn't let anyone link to files on their servers, and if you put it up for download, please provide a link back to this site. Thank you.