tomservov's webpage

Date this webpage was made : June 6, 1997

Last updated on : January 06, 2003     *click here to see the recent changes*
This is my first webpage so it might take me a while to update it since this html stuff is new to me. This webpage will be mainly about The Realm, Subspace, and EverQuest  (I'll try to add more info and pictures on them later).

Much has happened since I last updated this website over 3 years ago.  This webpage was still up last I checked in 2002, but I guess it was taken down sometime afterward.  So I decided to reupload everything when I found out it was gone January 2003.  I had to do some edits on the links and a few minor changes.  I'll do the major updates at another time, hopefully it won't take another 3 years.


A great online multiplayer Role Playing Game (RPG) with much to offer.  Many classes and Races to pick from plus you can create 8 characters per server and there are a lot of servers to choose from.  I am currently playing this game and it is a wonderfully cool game.  Unfortunately, there is currently no free trial of this game and I believe a credit card is needed to create an account.

For more info on EverQuest click here.

click here to go to the EverQuest homepage

An online Role Playing Game (RPG) of sword and sorcery.
The Realm is no longer in alpha/beta, but you can try it out for free. Last time I checked they are having free 30 day demo accounts so people can try it out. Check their homepage for more details.

For more info on The Realm click here.

click here to go to The Realm homepage

A action pack online space shooter type game (sort of like asteroids except you shoot other players instead of rocks).
Subspace is no longer in beta, but I think there are demo accounts that will allow you to play and try out the game.
I'm not sure if Subspace is still being played online, I haven't played in a long while and the game is off my hard drive.

For more info on Subspace click here.

click here to go to Subspace homepage
Note : I can't seem to access the Subspace homepage, it might be down or maybe they switched to another site.  If I find it I'll put the new link in, but until then I'll leave the old one up.

more to come .....

In the Realm my character was a human wizard, my appearance    
   Old me     may have changed (to create an elf wizard), but I'm still TomServo.     New me

Note : I no longer play the Realm so don't look for my character there.

If you have any questions or html tips so I can make a better homepage
just email me at

You are user number :  (counter not installed yet so just pick a random number)

Thanks for coming.

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