Hello. This is my Warcraft Page. It's my favorite game ever although its getting a bit old I'd say. Oh well.
What's Happening:
Dec. 18-Today I changed my email to sir_lancelot5@hotmail.com because I thought danmanriedel just wasn't good. I also added some utilites. That's all.
Dec. 30-I added some cheats to War2 even though only pusses use them. I played War I the other day and its kinda fun. The main thing I don't like is that you can't use the right mouse button. Oh well. I reinstalled War2 and the expansion to elimanite Warcrack. I'm so happy I have the movies and speech back. that's all for now.
Feb. 10-After many moons I finally decide my page needed updating. I added a new story, updated my "about me" page, and I even think I'll do a links page before I quit.
Feb. 16-I got a new background if you havn't noticed. Someone gave it to me and I like it except for one reason. I might not need it because I might be getting rid of my page soon. oh well. Think I might try something new.
Are you bored of playing War2 by yourself? Or maybe you play with 1 other person over modem or direct connect. Would you like to play 2-8 players? Try out Kali! It lets you play people from all around the world for only one charge, did ya hear that! ONE CHARGE of 20$! Download and see for yourself how great it is. I'm registered and if you'll just email me I'll play with you too.
Here is what I now have
All About Me
Some Dedications
War2 Puds
My Downloads
Here's a little Warcraft music.
Visit the makers of Warcraft 2. They have more great games in store.
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