
BBS Flashback

You are going to click this for a reason you don't know yet. Don't forget to tell me why.

Robin Hood or Kevin Hay a tribute?

Qantas where are you another Mystery?

looking for me?

Tracing a thread to the end?

Nanette Mancini is Looking for me? Ha I wish :)

looking for Laura Lee.

looking for Old Friends (Was T.M.)

Did you grow up in Wissahiccon?

Greetings old timer :)
If you are here it's because you were feeling nostalgic and did a search for something from the past.
This flashback starts in 1986. 
Were you a member of the fellowship? Did you call Middle Earth II How about these:
Chat Lounge.
Philly Chat.
Philly Exchange.
Hot Chat.
Night Life.
Patti's Place.
Under The El.
Active Imagination.
What Lies Beyond.
The Meeting Place.
Endless Possibilities.

Or others I plan on adding as soon as the fog clears from my mind I'm working on a guestbook. Until then if you happen to see this then email

p.s. the stoopid under construction thing would go here if I could remember where I put my hardhat.

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