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Ultimate Zelda 64 Source

The Time Shrine

Play MIDI-Zelda Theme

Credit for the MIDI goes to Ice!

The Ultimate Source for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The new, improved, site... named?
What should I rename the site?

Current Results

2/11 Progress Note

Hu guys! I've been talking about redesigning my site, basing it on the whole Zelda series, getting alot of cool new artwork, and I set the goal of the redesign for today. But... no redesign? Yup, that's right. Me and my staff are still busily working on making the best source for the Zelda series on the internet, 2/11 was just too steep of a goal. But... let's use a little logic here. Zelda 5 was originally set to come out in SUMMER 1997!!! Nintendo and the team delayed it over and over, eventually landing it at November 23rd. People were upset, but when they played it, it was all worth the wait. So, if I delay the redesign... I'll be able to make it all worth the wait! Perhaps it would be a good summer project. Anyway, I'll update The Time Shrine sometimes, but The Sacred Realm will be my main project.

1/20 Footnote

Hello! I've been going on and on about my new staff members, SuperHappyTree and Koopa55, but so far, you readers know nothing about them. Here's a message from SuperHappyTree:

Hello~! I'm SuperHappyTree! I've been helping BlueMoon007 with various things on the site. I'm a big fan of the Zelda series and on my second time through Zelda 5 and I have to say it's the most beautiful game I've ever played! I've been doing alot of artwork the past few days and making the new look for the site. It's working out great!

PS. Don't let my name decieve you. I'm not a Yoshi's Story fan.

That's SuperHappyTree! (he's NOT a Yoshi's Story fan! :-) Don't worry, this isn't all you'll be seeing of him, he's going to help answer letters on the Letters Section, which I am going to try and make informative, and funny! See ya tomorrow!

1/17 Update Number 2

New Editorial! Remember... L is Real 2041!

1/17 Update Number 1

Check out this sample of Koopa55's art work!

1/16 Footnote

Things are shaping up INCREDIBLY nicely for the Time Shrine (which I am going to rename the Sacred Realm, probably!)!!! I have signed up another art director, Koopa55! This guy is DEFINETLY one of the greatest artists of our age. I'm going to be taking ALL of Nintendo's art off the page, Koopa is gonna draw cuccos, all the characters of the series, monsters, scenes, Triforces, more, more and more! This'll be great! Koopa is also a very experienced Legend of Zelda veteran, he should be able to help me write help files and stuff! HappyTree is working on cool logos for each of the sections of the page, plus making an ultimate layout for the page, and I'm writing sutff like a madman. I've started new files on Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Zelda 3, and I've just recently beaten 4 and 5, so I'm going to be able to write great help files and stuff about each game! I'm expanding many new sections on this site, including a HUUGEE fun stuff section called the Café, which is even going to have a letters section! Everything is working out GREAT! This site's next update will be on February 11th, when we are going to put up everything! The new layout, background, art, and new sections... everything this site has to offer now will be tucked within a tiny nook of the Sacred Realm! I'll inform you of the progress along the way! Did I mention HappyTree is also a musician...?

1/11 Update Number 1

Guess what? My great internet buddy, and spectacular artist, SuperHappyTree, has whipped me up an exclusive (and extremely beautiful, I might add) background for my site! Click here for a sample! It's just an early version though, HappyTree is still going to tweak it a little bit! It's going to officially go up onto each page along with the redesign, the rename, and the expansion. Excellent.

1/9 Update Number 2

Your eyes do not decieve you, I've added a poll. Are you suprised that I'm renaming? Well, duh, I can't go and expand my site to a huge site about the entire Legend of Zelda series without redesigning and renaming! I'm also gonna get a new background for the main page. Cool. Since I recently played through Link's Awakening again, the game is very fresh in my mind... I'll be able to write a cool walkthrough! It's VERY, VERY late at night now (in fact, this is technicly a 1/10 Update). I think I'm gonna work on the Monster Guide for about an hour and go to bed. Night-night.

1/9 Update Number 1

Updated the News, with info about the best seling game of 1999, and Zelda 6 rumors. I'm going to work on my history section more, expand my Zelda 3 and Zelda 4 sections, and try to get another Database section up tomorrow. Cool.

1/8 Footnote

Due to school (yuk!), I haven't updated my site much... well, at least on the surface. A lot has been going on under it all, especially my too-cool section about the story of the entire series. I'll get a real update in tomorrow! By the way, did I mention that I'm considering expanding this site into an all-around site about the entire Legend of Zelda series? Fun! That might be hard since I have no choice but to admit that I still haven't beaten Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, but I am the ultimate master on A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, and I'm really good at The Legend of Zelda and Link's Awakening... should I expand this into a huge site about the whole series? I'm strongly considering it!

1/4 Footnote

I haven't updated the site for a while... thanks to a screwy connection. But, today I've continued my monster guide, I've began a step-by-step guide of the Zelda sagas' story, I'm going to expand my Zelda 4 section soon, as I recently beat the game again, and I'll update News tomorrow. Be happy.

1/1 Footnote

Woohhooo! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! It's been New Years for about 13 minutes! Don't worry, I'll update later this afternoon. Me and an HTML-pro friend of mine are constructing a newer, more stylish, more compact, more Zelda-ish layout for the site! It's MUCH easier to navigate, and looks VERY nice! I may not get the new design up any time soon... But it'll be worth it when I do! I hope this'll be a greta year for the site! See ya later!

11/27 Footnote 2

I am in the middle of constructing a VERY detailed Monster Guide. It has a paragraph abotu every single monster, complete with tips and pictures. And for bosses, I have detailed guides! This is gonna kick when it's done. Did I mention that I got The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX for Game Boy Color today? It ROCKS! The days of squinting at the screen and only seeing my reflection are GONE, because Koholint is now bathed in thirty-two thousand colors! The graphics are seriously as good as an SNES game! Not to mention, there is a LOT of changes in the game. It truly rocks. I have to go on a car trip tomorrow, so I won't be around, but Zelda 4 DX will occupy me nicely during the car trip! See ya around!

12/27 Footnote

Did anyone else get a Game Boy Color for Christmas? I did, and it rocks! Get one as soon as you can! The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX will rule. Well, I've finally managed to pry myself from Tetris DX and work on my Zelda site. Did I mention that on Christmas I beat Zelda 64 without dying once? Good for me! Now, I'm truly an expert on the game... I'll be able to write an awesome walkthrough! I'm in the mood to work on my Strategy section now. Maybe I'll put the Media section up today.

12/25 Footnote

It's Christmas! La la la la ala alalalala lla. I got a Gameboy Color, a bunch of videogames, a squishy thing, and some other junk, so great. I got a computer game, but it takes up 1 gig ^_^
Well, I'll see ya tomorrow!

12/24 Update Number 3

Added a new section to the Database! Check it out... I dare ya!

12/24 Update Number 2

News update, and more secrets added!

12/24 Update Number 1

Lookie! It's Christmas Eve! Ya! Anyhow, I got my Zelda action figures and Zelda 64 Soundtrack today, and that's cool. Updated the Secrets, now I'm gonna update the News. There'll be 3-4 updates today, and I'm also gonna update my Banjo-Kazooie site!

11/23 Update

Secrets are up!! Check the Strategy branch! Cool. I think I'll atempt to get another section up and update the news today. Also, my Zelda action figures and Zelda soundtrack came in the mail today :-)

11/23 Footnote

Whoops... didn't get any of the strategy branches up yesterday, but I've begun work on the extensive guide, secrets, and monsters. I'll definetly have the secrets up today. In fact, probably not too long from now.

11/22 Update

Updated the Fun Stuff!!! Also, I've started a new file in Zelda 64... I'm trying to beat it without dying now!!! I'm at the Shadow Temple. Later today I'm gonna try to get one or two sections in the Strategy branch up!

12/20 Update

(sniff sniff)WHAT do I smell? Is it... a new Editorial? I beleive it is!!! Hmm... I also beleive I will go chunk some work into the Strategy section. By the way, I've begun a new file in Zelda 64... I'm trying to beat it without dying. I'm in the Forest Temple. Anyway, ta ta for now!

The Update Archive

Click here to go to my Banjo-Kazooie site!


The most up to date news, tidbits, facts, and else about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will be crammed in this handy little section!


Want an extensive preview? Info on the characters, story, and Hyrule's layout? Charts about items, people, and monsters? A breif tour of the game? Com'n get 'em, while they're hot!


Ah. Images. Screenshots. Music. Movies. What's that fishy smell?


This section will boast item chart, battle hints, secrets and other things, in depth, and a walkthrough for desperate people who like to wreck the game for themselves.Why's everyone looking at me?

The Legend

For reviews, info, downloads, and ROMs of the earlier 4 games visit this unbeliavably cool section.


That would be hyperlinks, not our hero, Link.

Fun Stuff

Fun things visitors will like such as games, riddles, quizzes, and text adventures will be snug in this section.

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The Ultimate Source for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

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By BlueMoon007


ICQ# 12997710

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