Jonny Mac's Page
Of Complete Randomness!
Meaning many different subjects put together...
Under Constuction...but still look around!
Give me suggestions! (look down the page for E-Mail)
Sorry for all of you N64 Gamers, it blows! I have nothing on my page about it!
 And Saturn...It's just dead...Wait for Dreamcast!

This thick and meaty page contains..... 
(Click on the books)
Playstation & Computer Game Codes, Cheats, & Previews

Upcoming Video Game Systems

Book Stuff (hence the books) Humor, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Random Basic Spanish Phrases and Words

Image Gallery of Playstation & Comp. Pics 

MP3/MIDI Concert Hall
 E-Mail me with Questions/Comments!

Do not click on this book!

 Thanks for visiting!!   You are the
person to visit (most were probably from me)
                Codes & Previews section Upcoming Game Systems  / Book Stuff / Spanish/
Image Gallery  /  Midi Hall  /  E-Mail me