Ok, so this is my silly self promo page, totally designed by yours truely and available to any and all on the internet to view. By no means are you supposed to find anything truly interesting on here, but I would like to have a place to dump all my cool junk on the masses, and give those less fortunate a chance to see what I've been up to and stuff like that. So,basically, I'm wasting disk space at Geocites on purpose!
Previous Update : October 13th, 2001
- Removed some old outdated information, updated some information, added someinformation, and tagged some more
current pictures of myself on the picture pages (in the family section). Amazing how much can happen from Feb 3rd till now.
Previous Update: February 3rd, 2001
- Some more pictures have been updated, as well as updates to every page to reflect changes that
have happened in my life within the last 2 years.
Previous Update: Easter day, April 4th, 1999
- Updated the pictures area. Included lots of new shots and a minor history as well. I thank Van LaFountaine for the use of his scanner,
and Marsha Cynar for the inspiration to update it.
Previous update: waaayyy too late July 3rd, 1998
Previous update: mid afternoon/ early eve of March 7th, 1998
- Added the link to Jusagroove on the links page.
- Again - fixed the damn Jon Finn link so it works right now!
Previously updated : around 1:30 am EST February. 26, 1998 - man do I wanna go to bed...
- Added my resume to this page - follow the link below!
- Changed all of the links on the page to now show the option to going to the resume page. They should all work from every
page available.
Previously updated: around 1:00 a.m. on January 26, 1998
- Files area has had a major overhaul - now has doom files included!!!
Previously updated:Some time near 1:30 pm on January 22, 1998
- 2 new files in the games section for my cousin Scott
Previously updated: way too early in the morning on November 15,1997
- Links page has been fixed - Jon Finn link didn't work properly (still doesn't for some reason... - there end of it)