ContentsA set of one-page rules for 25mm American Revolution games: Empire of Liberty. A miniatures wargame version of the "chess problem" - The Sound of the Guns. These are an experimental, ultra-fast-play rules set for the mid-19th century (2nd update). A set of one-page, fast-play rules for WWII, post-war and modern combat at the operational level. A listing of 15mm figures for 19th-Century European conflicts. The Tucson Club's wargames from my photo albums... Some suggestions, modifications, and clarifications for Cold War: 1983. Into the Breach, a set of 1-to-1 skirmish rules for the tricorne period. A listing of 25mm figures for the Franco-Austrian War of 1859 and other Risorgimento conflicts. A beta release of an "environment" game - grand-tactical WWI combat on the Western Front. Download and unzip into a single directory. Updated beta release of computer-assisted rules, for post-WWI and WWII tactical actions: Counterstrike! Unzip into a single directory. My old Republic & Empire Rules for 19th-Century Wargames, in a two-part Word-format download: Part 1 (1.5 Meg), Part 2 (3.5 Meg). Some (very) fast-play rules for 1:300 scale WWII air combat games, in an early version. Sources for 25mm/28mm figures and vehicles for the Modern eraNotes on wargames rules design: the "environment" approach The Battle of Calatafimi on May 15, 1860, between the Garibaldini and Neapolitan forces The Battle of Mentana on November 3, 1867, between the Garibaldini and Franco-Papal forces The Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 Report on Fall
In 2001 convention
An essay on recent experiments with computer-assisted
wargaming A discussion of differences between the Seven
Years' War and the Marlburian period Review of The
Devil Soldier by Caleb Carr, about the Taiping Rebellion. "Tierra
y Libertad": A set of fast-play rules for the Mexican Revolution
for the Mexican Revolution: 1910-1920
Tactics, and Equipment of the Mexican Revolution: Some notes for
wargamers The
"Splendid Little War": Fast-play rules for the Spanish-American War
of the Spanish-American War: A Guide for Painting 15mm (and Smaller)
Wars of Religion Page (scenarios for Dreux and St. Denis)
von Steuben's Revolutionary War Drill Manual (work in progress)
A review of Rank & File Figures
for anyone interested in the lesser-gamed conflicts of the 19th Century in 15mm.
Welcome to the Resource Site!As an avid historical miniatures wargamer, and computer professional, I felt I should create this site to publish occasional rulesets, scenarios, and other information as I have time and motivation. I do not promise regular updates, but I wanted to share the things I spend my time researching and writing. This is where they can be found. Latest addition: a set of one-page rules for 25mm American Revolution games, called Empire of Liberty. Print two-sided on 8.5 x 11 paper and fold. Recently I have been thinking about traditional "free" kriegspiel, and tinkering with the typical turn-based style of most miniature wargames. My latest offering is another print-and-fold rules set which does away with multiple repetitive turns and movement distances altogether, creating fast, grand-tactical games which are a corollary to chess problems. They depict the battles of the mid-19th century in an experimental fashion: The Sound of the Guns (Updated 2/20/2007). Let me know what you think. I have been getting more into collecting traditional toy soldiers, and running wargames with them, too. I have put out some rules for the Edwardian period, for use with toy soldiers, which are available on the website of my latest venture, Legions of Empire. It's a company making traditonal 54mm toy soldiers, of course! Recent stuff: Incoming! - A set of one-page, fast-play rules for operational-level WWII, post-war and modern combat, reminiscent in effect (although not in mechanics) of DBA. Just print two-sided and fold. A listing of 15mm figures for 19th-Century European conflicts. The Tucson Club's wargames from my photo albums... Some suggestions, modifications, and clarifications for Cold War: 1983, a fun modern skirmish game. Into the Breach, a set of 1-to-1 skirmish rules for the tricorne period. These are meant for 25mm and larger figures - print the PDF double-sided, and fold in half. A listing of sources for 25mm figures for Risorgimento and Franco-Austrian War (1859) miniatures. Also, a set of WWI computer-assisted rules for the Western Front, In Flander's Fields. (This is an example of an "environment" game, for those who have read that essay, elsewhere on this site.)Just unzip into a single directory, and open up the ".htm" files. Also, Counterstrike!, an updated beta (beta 2) of a new computer-assisted game for tactical combat post-WWI through WWII. This is a game with a battalion on a side, and is a fast-play game similar to Rapid Fire in detail, if not in scale. You can download the zip file, or see the game itself. The rules (such as they are) are here. If you get the zip, unzip everything into a single folder, and open up "Counterstrike.htm". The game is a simple web-page, which will run on PDAs and similar devices, as well as on a computer. Please let me know what you think - this is a very early version. Also, a posting of my old Republic & Empire Rules for 19th-Century Wargames, in a two-part Word-format download: Part 1 (1.9 Meg), Part 2 (3.5 Meg). These are large files - print them out 2-sided and put them in a binder. (And don't try this over a dail-up connection!) Outland games has a new website up. Also, I have put a couple of updates on the 28mm Moderns page - more vehicles - but otherwise not much has changed. We've finally decided to try and release Active Armor as a commercial product. We've done a preview at Historicon (a monster Sword Beach game, for which we won an award), and you can visit the site of our new venture, Computer-Assisted Wargames Enterprises. (There was be a Patton-versus-the-Russians scenario for Fall In, and no doubt more games at other HMGS conventions in future.) The new version of the game - first in a series, we hope - is completely recoded, and includes a bunch of new features. (I'll leave the old beta up for now, but if you're interested in the new one, let me know.) Recent additions to this site include some fast-play rules for 1:300 scale WWII air combat, and a description of a rules-writing approach, for those who like to write or tinker with their rules sets. I have also added a list of sources for modern 25mm/28mm figures and vehicles. (I had quite a hard time locating these myself, so I thought I would write up a brief overview...) I recently added an account researched many years ago, describing the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, between the Republican Mexicans and the French - the event celebrated as "Cinco de Mayo". It is amazing how little detailed information there is on the battles of the Maxmillian Adventure, so I have decided to attempt to post some information about that conflict here. This is a division-sized action, and it makes a good subject for recreation on the tabletop. Another, similar effort is a description of one of the lesser-known battles of the Risorgimento (in which Madame Blavatsky, volunteering for Garibaldi, was wounded and left on the field, no less!): The Battle of Mentana on November 3, 1867, between the Garibaldini and Franco-Papal forces. Another new offering is one of Garibaldi's smaller battles, Calatafimi, against the decaying Bourbon rulers of Sicily. Computer-assisted wargaming is the thing I do most often these days, and I am releasing the first beta-level game now. It is called Active Armor, and is used for divisional- and corps-level WWII games. (Note that this is for Windows only!) If you are interested in play-testing, please download and send me e-mail so I know who you are. This is the game featured in the article found elsewhere on this site. The other games I have in the works include a skirmish-level set that covers ancients through the renaissance, a grand-tactical WWI late-war Western Front set, and a generic 19th-Century game. I am now in Tucson, where there is a fairly active gaming group - if you are in the area, and interested in historical miniatures games, send me an e-mail and I will connect you with them (we no longer meet at "Things for Thinkers," since it's closed). There is an excellent source of drill manuals on the web at DrillNet, with a clear focus on the American Civil War. Not one, but two versions of Hardee's manuals, Scott's Infantry Tactics, and lots more besides. How can you beat that? If you are interested in the European wars of the 19th Century, you will want to check out the Wyre Forest Wargames Club site. They have an adaptation of Fire & Fury and many excellent scenarios, along with a lot of other information. Great site! I found a pretty cool set of naval rules for the American Civil War just recently: check them out!
Here's a link on the Spanish-American War, for those who read Spanish... ![]()
If you haven't checked out Major General Tremorden Rederring's Colonial Wargames Page, please do! Any rulesets/articles that appear here will be delivered as single HTML files, to enable easy printing from your Web browser. I can be contacted with suggestions and comments at: Also, try going to the Opponent Finder at Stanford and searching their database. (This also has the best set of links for wargaming resources that I've seen.)