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Last Updated: August 25th , 1999 at 1:02 AM EDT

Ultimate Video Gaming page

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First 6 web sites to WB Platinum


We have our first five people added to the WB Platinum web ring,and we want YOU to be the next one.

Visit Gandalfs's site He has different poetry and that he wrote himself.(very good I might add).

Visit Esteban's site The site is mostly about himself but go there anyway, I think he's adding more.

Visit Caped Weasels's site This site contains art,poem,sound midi's, and chat rooms.... and a rather nice duck at the bottom of the page.:-)

Visit Wayne's Homepage Yeah.. This is my cousin's page so.... visit it! I MEAN IT :)

Visit Jarrett's Web Site It has N64 codes and another web ring that we'll be combining with soon..

Visit 100110110's Web Site It's under construction so far, but it has some KoRn and 2pac photos.Along with his info.

August 25,1999

After a loooooong while, we have finally put up a damn PSX review. We will be putting more reviews shortly so stay tuned!

August 12, 1999

Hello, this is Grind~Stone. Don't you just hate when you already rented all of the good new games at Blockbuster. Well since i have, there are going to be alot of game reviews. (well if i get off my @$$. Final Fantasy 8 is soon to be released on September 7th. Did you reserve your copy yet? The crew at the WB is expanding. We are getting a new Webmaster. His name will be let out in a later update. A new Pokemon page will be made at this site. Me and the new guy know about 95% about anything related to the pokemon games. And there release dates, so ask us a question via e-mail. We will be glad to help.

July 17,1999

Just to let you know, while Grind~Stone is working on the main page, I am working on the Gaming section so come check it out! Also you can now contact me via the ICQ panel here

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If you would like to be in our ring please contact either of the Webmasters Grind~Stone or Wong Guy.
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