The PK guild


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Snaker clan Information

About Snaker clan

This clan's rule is very easy.The members of this clan is PK but you mustn't broke clan's rules

Members of Snaker clan


Patarapong{SC} Khan
wryen{SC} Second
Natta{SC} Hunter
$Pi']['{SC} Hunter
=-X-={SC} Hunter
Tobia{SC} Hunter
Sauder{SC} Hunter

I want you to join Snakerclan

Join Snaker clan

Your rank will be up if collect lots of ear ,but you must check channel Snaker clan. If there aren't any member please wait because some player isn't in North America. I and Natta is form Thailand

Snaker clan's chat room in diablo is Snaker clan .

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It is very easy to do

1.Don't attack members Snaker clan

2.Don't use trainer if you don't want to kill another players.

3.If another players want to join Snaker clan you must tell him to our web site

4.If you break a clan's rules.I will kick you out form Snaker clan and you will die by members of Snaker clan

5.Your name must has {SC} at the end of your name. (i.e.Patarapong{SC})

6. Serch new members,I want this clan have lots of members


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This is the very suck player before I build clan. If you kill it ! your rank will up but second can't up because It's the great rank of members(Khan is only my rank). If you don't like some player email to me .player's name will be in Wanted

Contact Information

If you have any problem Email to me

Snaker clan's chat room in diablo is Snaker clan .