Everybody, this is Jumpo Junior III. Recently, my computer experienced a major crash and the entire hard drive was erased. With that crash went every file I have on Boris' Realm. I haven't updated because of that crash, and cannot use that computer anymore. Yeah, it sucks, but it's life and it's time for me to move on. Like I said, Boris will always live on in our hearts.
However, this does not mean that Boris' Realm is going to be taken down....just discontinued.
I hope that everybody still continues to enjoy the 'Realm.
But just before I pass on, I'd like to thank all those who have helped in little ways on the site:
Allen Burton (USA Codeman)
Justin Byron (Iceman)
Chris Sexton (Billgates84 or whatever he is now)
Albert Graves
Brandon Speer
Kevin Cashman
Thanks to everybody for your support, and thanks to all those who didn't support but came to the site.
BORIS FOREVER!!! Peace out.