I've found some time before exams to begin uploading content (finally!) to the site.
You may notice that the items on the navigation bar have shifted around slightly, which is good. There are
now three main categories to the site: Art, Literature,
and Science and Tech. They should be more or less self-explainatory,
but I'll take some time here to explain them (and fill up this news post) anyway.
The Art section contains either original works of art, or pieces modified by me to produce
something slightly newish. In the latter case, I will attempt to credit the original artists where possible.
Literature contains entirely original writing by me, or in the case of RPs, a group of
people including myself. Topics range from Star Wars to the effects of instant messaging.
Finally, the Science and Technology section contains anything from tutorials to computer programs,
though most relates to computer technology and the engineering of.
Well I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow I designed and built a new website to replace the old junk that had been sitting on this URL for almost a year now.
It's a great feeling, knowing you finally have a website that you aren't ashamed to link people to.
Anywho, here's what you'll find in the navigation bar. The "main" page is the one you are viewing now. The websites under "Links" are some sites I created many years ago
for two of my favourite video games of the time, Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough. Remember, those sites are many years old,
in fact, the Goldeneye site was first put on the internet on July 18, 1998. I have no plans to update either of them, so what you see is what you get. I don't think I even finished the site for
"The World is Not Enough." Oh well.
Under "Contact," you will find my e-mail address and a link to my LiveJournal Blog. That's all for now!
Wow, it's been far too long since I updated this site. When I left it a year ago, I was in the process of converting it into a new personal site for myself.
It's about time this site finished its metamorphasis.
If you found this site though a search engine, let me tell you now that you probably won't find what you're looking for here. Also, allow me to suggest you
switch from Looksmart to Yahoo! or Google.
Finally, if you came here following a link from my blog, expecting something totally cool that I promised,
it's probably not here either. Your best bet would to be go back to my blog, as I am more likely to update it than anything else.