Jamie Moore's Webfolio

"To any foreigner, English is exceedingly difficult. Even the angels speak it with an accent."    --   Mark Twain


         Have you ever imagined a world without language, culture, or communication?  These three elements play an important part in shaping the role of modern-day society, even moreso with the implementation of technology.  Technology links todays society with the ever-changing world around us, in more ways than we can possibly imagine.  Language, and the power that it carries behinds it, is able to transcend the oceans, relaying similar ideas to myriads of poeple.  Culture brings forth a whole new look at life; this is the driving force that blends backgrounds together and translates customs all over the world.  Finally, communication is the main operator, which allows for ideas and thoughts to be exchanged without the aid of the spoken word.  Communication can reach out to anyone, anywhere.

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