It's a movie in 1997 with Ethan Hawke, Jude Law and Uma Thuman starring. It talks about the future world. There are two groups of people.
The people who have got better DNA can work in the valid world. They have privileges over the invalid people.
Vincent (Ethan Hawke), an invalid person, never likes that world and wants to go to the universe. Before his dream comes true, he has to be a valid person.
He has found a guy, Jerome (Jude Law), who is valid and is an absolutely genius, however, Jerome had got an accident and therefore he lost his legs.
Vincent, then, uses Jerome's name, blood, identity, etc, to act Jerome instead.
It's really harsh for an invalid person to get to the valid people's level...
Why do I call myself Gattacaboy? It's because I'm one of the invalid people. I really wanna be a genius. So, I'm going to be Vincent, who is an invalid person and tries his best to act like a valid person. I know it's hard, but I'm not going to give it up!
