In geocities you only have 11 megabyte of space to build your site in.
I have filled up that 11 megabyte so i'm stukk. Therefore I have desided to
move to Fortunecity where i have 20 megabyte. It is the same page as this
one, but at fortunecity i can update it and put on some new stuff. I'm going to
leave this page here, but it isn't going to be updated. My new address is: Have a look!

Useful links!

Manchester United! Here you can read the latest news about Manchester United!
Mp3. Here at Audiofind you can download all the Mp3's you want, (Almost).
Mp3. Here's another site with lot's of Mp3 song's.
Cheats. Here you can get all the cheats you want!
Demo's. Here you can download lot's of demo's.
Hotmail. Get your own free mail. It's got a password, so nobody else can read your mail.

A click on this will link you to my sponsor.


Across. A cool game where you drive a cross-motorcycle. (Action Super Cross).
Baby. A cool dancing baby with lot's of great moves!
Mschat. A very good chatprogram. Over 1000 chat-rooms with lot's of chatters. (ComicChat).
Sing Up For The Champions! The Manchester United song. You have to unzip it to mp3 file.
Vprotect. A good Virusscan.
Winamp. The best Mp3 player: Winamp.
Winrar. A storage-program. Can store to .exe- and ,rar files.
Zip. Another storage program called Zip. It's the most used storage program. (Highly recommended).

For Norwegian people!

Særoppgave. Særoppgave om Manchester United. (13 sider).
Hvis du vil lese oppgaven før du lagrer den, går du her.

If you know any good sites to download games, Mp3's or Manchester United
stuff from and if there's a bad or broken link on my page or any other request
you've got, please email me at

Cool pic's in jpg and gif format, that you can download for personal use.

My sponsor!

Would you please click once at my sponsor? That's all you have to do really.
Just click and leave 5 seconds later. Then i can afford to update this page more often :)

Please visit my sponsor.