In geocities you only have 11 megabyte of space to build your site in.
I have filled up that 11 megabyte so i'm stukk. Therefore I have desided to
move to Fortunecity where i have 20 megabyte. It is the same page as this
one, but at fortunecity i can update it and put on some new stuff. I'm going to
leave this page here, but it isn't going to be updated. My new address is: Have a look!
- Hello. My name is Kjell Osen and I live at Sira in Norway.
- I like to play football, listen to music and play the computer.
- I LOVE the English Premier League team Manchester United!
- If you have some of the same interests, i think you'll enjoy this page.
You are number
that have visited this page since 15/6-99
Useful links!