
Hey Get FREE email and search the web right from our page! Check below. And go to my friends page its on his drawings and other cool fun neato stuff. YTMH

Hey, read the new Raptor Roars!, a weekly column in which the Ed-in-Chief speaks out.

Or read the latest from Greybow, in his article called "Never Judge a Card by its Picture".


Well, not really a big update but a minor one. Fixed some links added a few stuff. Enjoy your stay and get some free email!

Sorry, about the long delays for the site. We now offer free email addresses and search engines. Please check it out!

Again, we seem to be slipping on the updates, we'll do them just as soon as we remember. A new Raptor Roars! is up, hopefully my programming will work this time.

Well, today was another major update this time I fixed the Raptor Roars, be sure to check it out!

Well, sorry about the long wait for the update. But I did it today. Now all the links should work and everything should be ready soon. The new raptor roars, and Gerybow's articles should be up in a few days. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your stay.

A long awaited site update, check out Raptor Roars! for more info.

Another site update, this time we added two new articles, Raptor Roars! and Never Judge A Card By Its Picture, with Never being updated bi-weekly, and Roars! being updated weekly. Check them out!

We just updated the site again, adding Greybow's deck! His Midnight Riders is a twist on the standard black weenie deck, using only Knights. Check it out!

Site is updated, and since we just finished a booster draft tournament, we figured we'd review it. Raptor will have an editorial on it later.

Updating site, adding Keebler's deck, though it isn't his current one. Check it out anyway, though.

Just updated the site again, became a full-fledged e-zine (Yay!) and posted some info on the staff. Check it out!

Well Nothing new today just updated the site.

We have finally decided what to do with our page since we all like magic we have decided to turn this page into a magic resource page for all of you Magic players out there. Here, we'll have a list of the current decks that we and our friends are playing, suggestions on new deck types, and reviews of the latest Magic info. Right now, we are planning to enter an Urza's Destiny pre-release tournament, so we'll probably write a little article on it.
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