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Last updated April 26, 2001 and now in its fourth Year on the www!!!! | ![]() |
Is Miss France a Man??? April 25, 2001, PARIS (Reuters) -- France's leading beauty queen impresario Wednesday angrily denied rumors that this year's Miss France had been born a man and denounced the Internet as a terrifying source of misinformation. Parents must come to terms with online instant messaging April 20, 2001, Jennifer Hill; Cox News Service "Do I have a screen name?" my younger son asked, as we were driving home from school one day. "Yes," I answered somewhat warily, wondering what prompted the question and where it was leading. I knew the day was coming when the boys would no longer be content to roam the Internet using their mother's handle. Web 'Wife Beater' Shirts Criticized April 24, 2001, DALLAS (AP) -- A Web site that sells so-called ``wife beater'' T-shirts has come under attack by domestic abuse agencies who say the retailer encourages violence against women. Teen Enters Plea in School Threat April 24, 2001, By BEN FOX, Associated Press Writer, SAN DIEGO (AP) -- An 18-year-old Maryland teen pleaded innocent Tuesday to charges he sent Internet messages threatening to stage a repeat of a school shooting at Santana High School. U.S., Russia Break Up Internet Child Porn Ring March 26, 2001, By Niala Boodhoo, WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- U.S. authorities said on Monday they had broken up an Internet child pornography ring based in Russia and arrested nine people in a joint operation with Moscow police. Internet's a Treasure Trove for the Oscar-Obsessed March 25, 2001, By Andrea Orr, PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) -- For die-hard fans, the Oscar ceremony is not just an awards show but an obsession in which all topics from red-carpet fashion to teary acceptance speeches are debated weeks ahead of time and critiqued for days after. Laptops link students to the Web, to the annoyance of lecturers March 25, 2001, Sara Silver; The Associated Press, NEW YORK -- J.T. Law is paying $30,000 a year to attend Columbia Business School, to sit in a global economics class and learn how quickly rising oil prices can bring on a recession. But he wants more ... excitement. A Hospital for the Digital Age March 26, 2001, By Jennifer Couzin, TheStandard.com, By Jennifer Couzin -- HealthSouth, a Birmingham, Ala.-based company that runs rehabilitation centers and hospitals across the country, announced Monday that it will build a digitally integrated hospital using technology designed by Oracle - a hospital for the third millennium. Unbreakable Code Said To Leave Hackers 'Helpless' 02/20/2001, WLWT ChannelCincinnati.com man who police said drove three hours to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex pleaded innocent Tuesday to attempted unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. ISP Pleads Guilty in Child Porn Case 02/20/2001, By John L. Micek, www.NewsFactor.com -- A New York Internet service provider (ISP) has pleaded guilty to knowingly providing its customers access to child pornography, wrapping up a two-year investigation by the Empire State's attorney general and state police. FBI Busts Online Fraud Ring 02/21/2001, By Robyn Weisman, www.NewsFactor.com -- Investigators from both the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the State of New Jersey are in the process of corralling a group of Internet grifters who swindled approximately 175 people online, according to published reports. Man arrested for bringing teen to Europe 02/04/2001, The Associated Press, THESSALONIKI, Greece -- A man accused of luring a Florida teenager to Greece over the Internet was charged Saturday with kidnapping and sexual assault. Angry racing fans blame Marlin 02/21/2001, By George Diaz of the Sentinel Staff -- Grief over the loss of stock-car racing icon Dale Earnhardt turned ugly Tuesday when Sterling Marlin said he had received threatening e-mails and phone calls from race fans blaming him for the death of "The Intimidator". Egyptians Jailed for 'Scandalous' Internet Sex Ad 02/20/2001, CAIRO (Reuters) -- A Cairo criminal court sentenced two Egyptians to jail on Tuesday for soliciting sex over the internet, court sources said. California Credits Net Auction for Help in Energy Crisis 01/29/2001, By Michael Mahoney, www.EcommerceTimes.com -- The ability to use an Internet auction to solicit sealed electricity contract bids played a crucial role in helping bring some order to California's protracted energy crisis, state officials told the E-Commerce Times. Handheld Porn a Big Hit January 30, 2001, SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Pornography is popping up in Singapore palms as local Web surfers trail only Americans as the most avid users of an online porn service for handheld devices. Bid To Stop Morning-After Pill Fails By SUE LEEMAN, Associated Press Writer, LONDON (AP) -- Britain's House of Lords rejected a bid to stop sales of the ``morning after'' contraceptive pill, voting their support Monday for a government strategy to cut Europe's highest teen-age pregnancy rate. Super Bowl net traffic soars on game day-Nielsen/NetRatings 1/30/01, NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) - The number of people logging on to the official Super Bowl Web site, Superbowl.com, soared 269 percent on the day of the game, according to Internet audience measurement service Nielsen/NetRatings. Most Have Never Used the Web to Find a Job 1/30/2001, UTICA, N.Y. (Reuters/Zogby) -- Seventy-eight percent of Americans have never used an online Web site to find a job, according to a poll conducted by Zogby International for Headhunter.net. Sleuths can track e-mail like footprints 1/6/2001, By Mike Ellis -- Like electronic footprints across cyberspace, e-mail messages typically leave a coded trail that the trained eye can track through the Internet and, often, to the very computer that delivered the message. E-mail threats were enough to make victim go to police 1/6/2001, By Paul Bird, GREENWOOD, Ind. -- Linda Guge's computer was supposed to be her safety net. Instead, the Internet might have played a role in her death. Business Briefly: Starbucks, Microsoft team to provide Web access 01/04/2001, Marcelene Edwards; The News Tribune -- Starbucks customers will be able to access the Internet in the company's coffee shops through a relationship with Microsoft. Current United States & World Populations per U.S. Bureau of the Census and other demographics.
Online Move To Boycott Gas Stations Under Way 04/26/2001, An e-mail circulating on the Internet urged a boycott of the largest American oil company to help bring down gas
prices, News2Houston reported Tuesday. Two Palm Beach deputies fired for operating porn web sites 04/24/2001, By KEVIN KRAUSE , South Florida Sun-Sentinel -- Two Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office deputies were fired Monday for violating departmental ethics rules by posting Internet pictures and video of themselves having group sex with their wives. Kenya Police Rescue Three Kidnapped Americans 04/25/2001,NAIROBI (Reuters) -- Kenyan police have rescued three Americans who were chained up for weeks by thugs who lured them to Africa with fake offers of business opportunities broadcast over the Internet, police said on Wednesday. Web Twins Custody Battle May Linger 04/24/2001, ST. LOUIS (AP) - It could take up to a year to decide who will get custody of the 10-month-old twin girls at the center of an international dispute since they were twice adopted over the Internet. Survey: Denmark Most Wired; Men Go for Cars, Porn 03/26/2001, SINGAPORE (Reuters) -- Denmark is the world's most wired nation but Mexican men use the Internet far more than women, Internet measurement company NetValue said Monday. U.S. accuses busboy of massive Internet fraud schemeBy Gail Appleson, Law Correspondent, NEW YORK, March 26 (Reuters) -- The federal government on Monday took over an Internet identity theft case against a restaurant busboy and alleged he masterminded the scheme in an effort to cheat America's rich and famous out of $22 million. East Texas man convicted of using Internet to seduce teen-ager 03/26/2001, Authorities say a 23-year-old Jacksonville man who traveled from Texas to Southern California to engage in sex with a 14-year-old California girl used a library computer and relatives' computers to seduce her. Student Arrested for Alleged Threat 03/26/2001, By TARA BURGHART, Associated Press Writer, PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- An 18-year-old man was arrested Monday and charged with making a threat against a high school in New York in an Internet instant message. Americans Want Modernized Voting System - Poll 03/27/2001, WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Americans think their voting system needs a technological overhaul but draw the line at voting on the Internet, a new study released on Tuesday showed. Jobs Offered for Journalists with Nothing to Hide 02/21/2001, TORONTO (Reuters) -- An Internet-based news service is looking for journalists with nothing to hide. They don't even need experience in journalism, NakedNews.com said on Tuesday. Banned Islamist Paper Now on the 'Net 02/21/2001, CAIRO (Reuters) -- Egyptian Islamists have published their banned newspaper al-Shaab on the Internet and the print edition could return next month, the newspaper's editor said on Wednesday. Reporter's Notebook: E-mail 'tax' one of many hoaxes on the Internet 02/21/2001, Marcelene Edwards; News Tribune columnist -- A few days ago, I got an alarming e-mail about a proposed tax. It seems "the government" wanted to charge me 5 cents every time I sent an e-mail. Magazines: Internet may be reason sales of skin mags sag 02/04/2001, Mary K. Feeney; The Hartford Courant -- Twenty years ago, skin magazines were riding a wave of fleshy success. Then came home video, adult cable television, the Internet and DVDs. There were now ways to indulge personal appetites without enduring the embarrassment of a store-counter transaction. Soon, the adult magazine began to look a little like a quaint indulgence of a bygone era. Calif. County to Broadcast Weddings Online 02/20/2001, REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (Reuters) -- Soon you'll be able to watch people get hitched with just a flick of the switch. Hispanics, Blacks and Women Surfing the Internet inGreater Numbers 02/19/2001, Washington -- In the second half of 2000 the number of women, blacks, Hispanics and poor people using the Internet increased significantly, according to a report released by the Pew Institute today. Ex-Spy's Memoirs Released in Britain 01/30/2001, LONDON (AP) - The memoirs of a former spy were released for the first time in Britain after a failed attempt to stop their publication. Computer Chiefs Discuss Future 01/29/2001, By BRUCE STANLEY, Associated Press Writer, DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) -- Bill Gates marveled at the ``explosion'' of young people using computers to talk and to share music, but other business leaders here worried Monday over the new power that the Internet has given consumers. Indians Abroad Surf Internet for Quake News 01/29/2001, By Erin Prelypchan, SINGAPORE (Reuters) -- ``Another day has passed...another day of worry,'' a woman wrote on the message board of an Indian Web site. ``No contact, all phone lines are busy.'' AOL Spam Smells Like Scam 01/29/2001, By Jay Lyman, www.NewsFactor.com -- Many America Online (AOL) subscribers received bogus e-mail on Friday informing them that they may have won a prize from the giant Internet service provider (ISP), and asking them to enter their screen name and password. Web site posts celebrity sightings in New York 01/25/2001, Diego Ibarguen; The Associated Press -- So whatever happened to Henry Winkler? Well, career moves aside, he's scoping out the toiletries at a Duane Reed pharmacy in midtown Manhattan. Court Approves Internet Visitation 01/05/2001, By KATHLEEN CANNON, Associated Press Writer, TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- A state appeals court said a divorced woman can move with her daughter to California and rely on the Internet to help the girl keep in touch with her father back in New Jersey. End of the free Internet? Nope 01/04/2001, By Charles Cooper, ZDNet News, End of the free Internet? I don't think so. In the best tradition of American techno-capitalism, Internet companies have proven to be shameless copycats, stealing and repackaging each others' best ideas with abandon. And now that Yahoo has decided to charge sellers who want to list items on its auction site, might other Internet auctioneers be tempted to follow suit? Microsoft Shuts Down Web Site 01/06/2001, By LENNART SIMONSSON, Associated Press Writer, STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- Microsoft's Internet service provider shut down a Swedish-language Web site with hundreds of pornographic pictures of children, police said Saturday.