The GoldenEye Story

All right, 007,it's time to get down to business. Some time ago, Pirate, a top-secret combat helicopter, was hijacked from a French war vessel in Monte Carlo. Pirate was stolen by Xenia Onatopp. She was assisted by several mysterious comrades.

Xenia, a former Soviet pilot, is a known accomplice of the Janus Syndicate, an international organization that is world renowned for its dealings in top-flight illegal arms. They are currently based in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Pirate reappeared two days ago in Russia near the site of an unusual disturbance believed to be the result of the discharge of the GoldenEye weapon satelite.

The situation is serious, 007. If Pirate or GoldenEye has fallen into the wrong hands, I don't have to tell you that the security of the free world could be in jeapordy. We want you to recover the Pirate helicopter and get to the bottom of this. You are licensed to kill.


(C) Copyright Bunzel Publishing, 1998