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I added a link to the meditation chamber a really good site. Be sure to check it out.

Decipher released some info about the Death Star II expansion, and what sets will come after it. Before Death Star II comes out, the Third Anthology will come out. The 3rd Anthology will contain 2 unlimited Premiere expansion packs, 2 limited Jabba's Palace packs, and 2 Limited Special Edition started decks, and 6 black-border premium cards that wont be available anywhere else. After the 3rd anthology will come Death Star II. It will be a 180 card set with Emperor Palpatine, Lord Vader, a new Jedi Knight Luke, and General Calrissian. The dark side will have new card-mechanics that will allow them to construct the 2nd Death Star. There will also be starter decks for this set. After that there will be a 20 card set called Shadows Of The Empire. This set will be based on a book of the same name, and will have about 20 cards made from computer generated art. Finally, there will be character based expansion sets, these will include: Skywalkers, Jedi Masters, and Scoundrels, these sets will all enhance characters that are already in the game. Click here to read the report on Deciphers site. I also updated the Have/Want lists with my friends list.

I bought my first four packs of reflections today, the foils I got were:Cloud City:Guest Quarters, Red 5, Reflection, and TK-422. I also got Bane Malar, Beldons Eye, Jedi Levitation, and a couple other worthless rares.

I haven't updated for a little while, i've been kinda busy with school and other things. Well Enhanced Jabba's Palace came out on wednesday and i still have to buy some of them. Reflections also came out, and i've heard that it is a good set. Someone I know got a foil Yoda, Chewbacca, Red 5 and some others. I think im gonna be buying reflections to try and get Vader foil or Luke that would be kinda cool. If any body has any EJP or reflection foils E-mail me. Will someone send in anything related to SW:CCG i'll put it up! I especially need dream cards and card reviews.

Well nothing happened for Y2K (no surprise). I am glad that we may be able to see the end of that stupid phrase.
I have updated my Have/Want Lists section. Come on guys send in those lists.
Decipher is hinting that there may be more cards based on the criminal organization The Black Sun. I wonder if they will make an objective similar to ISB Opperations or something. Black Sun is ran by Prince Xixor from the book and game Shadows of the Empire. The card that I really want to see are Grand Admiral Thrawn and the other cards from the Timothy Zahn Trillogy.

Decipher has the list of the Foils from the new set Reflections up on their site. There are going to be 18 cards in each pack, and I have heard that in each pack there will be at least 1 foil and a random assortment of other cards. So supposedly you could get a pack full of rares, but im not sure if these rumors are true.
Well Happy New Years everyone, have a safe one.

The card of Jodo Kast came out on Decipher. He is from Enhanced Jabbas Palace, just like Mara Jade. Jodo is a really good card. Almost as good as the Cloud City Fett. He is Power 3, Ability 3, and Armor 5 scout, bounty hunter. He is really made to beat EPP and ECC characters, because if the characters he is battling against draw more than 2 battle destinies he can cancel one of them. His other ability is great too, once per turn if he is firing a rifle or a blaster he can add 2 to the total weapon destiny and target it for free. he also may be targeted by hidden weapons and fly with a landspeed of three. Since the Mandalorian Card says that it cant deploy on Vader or Boba Fett, then i guess you could deploy it on Jodo Kast making him Power 5, and immune to attrition < 3, Decipher will probaly come out with errata concerning this, but I cant wait for Enhanced Jabbas Palace to come out!! Go Here to find out more

My Have / Want lists sections is up. Make sure to check it out and mabey we could work out a trade.


I added a links section, and the Card Reviews section is up too, they're both pretty skimpy right now. Make sure that you send me a link to your page and your card reviews!


A preview of Enhanced Jabba's Palace came out today. Decipher released the images of the new cards Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand , and Mara Jade's Lightsaber. The Mara Jade card is a great new addition to the dark side's main characters at power 4 and ability 5 she is just like Daughter of Skywalker, but one you have Emperor Palpatine down on the table, she is a humongous power 6, equal to Vader, and she can use Vader's Obsession to duel Luke! She is also immune to attrition less than 4. Mara Jade is the first dark side card to be both an Imperial and an Alien, and she can deploy a weapon straight onto her from the reserve deck. Mara's lightsaber is just like any other unique lightsaber, but with a deploy cost of 1 force. I will always welcome a weapon that can add 1 to a force drain and make a hit character forfeit 0.

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