Welcome to the Colin Coliseum
Colin Coliseum
Come enjoy the phenomenon that is Colin Williamson.

Who is Colin?
Colin's Great Achievements
Mr. T vs.
Learn to Be like Colin at the Training Center
Colin_ Quiz
Be like Colin These have nothing to do with Colin
(These pages aren't really about Colin)
History of Video


Amazon.com has books by Chet Williamson (Colin's Dad).
In Association with Amazon.com

monkeys are hiding in this site.


Sept. 1 2001 Colin is leaving PC Gamer and this site is horribly out of date. It is not like anyone ever visited it anyway. Perhaps one day I will rebuild with some new and interesting purpose for these pages.

Everyone needs a hero. Most people find their heros in Pro sports, Rock n Roll or the silver screen. It is sad that many great people go unnoticed because they are not in the spotlight. One such great is Colin Williamson. He has so many tremendous characteristics that he should be worshipped the world over. But, for some reason he has remained virtually unknown.

That is why the Colin Coliseum was erected. Now perhaps the wandering longing net masses will stumble upon Colin's Greatness and sing his praises as the hero who gives meaning to their pitiful existence. Now people will have someone to truly look up to and emulate. Please come in and learn about the master. See the wonders of his directing ability in the newly released Corporal Dan: Revelations. Study his insights concerning the culturally important electronic gaming world. Learn what makes him tick . And much more!

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It's our man Colin
Our Hero!

Contact Colin at colin@pcgamer.com

More people need to start singing the praises of Colin. What is the best way to get Colin some mass market recognition?

A Colin Action Figure
Get Fox to use Colin's movies for a sweeps week special: 'When Legos Attack'
He should be the mascot of a kid's cereal so the young'ins will idolize him.
Other. Please describe below.

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