Sections of the Army
Our Army is made up of three sections. Each section has a separate function and different weapons. The sections are Standard Infantry, Special Forces and Armored Division. Note:The gear used by each section is only a suggested armament, not a requirement. Also, if you would like to be in an even more realistic organization, go to the Paintball Light Infantry Battalion.
Standard Infantry

The main body of our forces are Standard Infantry. Standard Infantry are typically armed with a semi-automatic,3 paint grenades, a camo net, and a small shovel. Standard Infantry leaders carry a long-range walkie talkie and the normal equipment. In every Standard Infantry squad, we suggest one man to be armed with a CAPL (Compressed Air Projectile Launcher). Standard Infantry makes up 85% of RBI, and are the most common section.Standard Infantry is the backbone of RBI, performing the majority of field actions.
Special Forces
Special Forces is the section that acts behind the scenes. They usually carry a pump or semi, a number of mines, 2 paint grenades, a camo net and a small shovel.
Special Forces makes up 14% of RBI. Squad members defend and maintain bases, make booby traps, and relay orders. Special Forces often work hand in hand with Infantry.
Armored Division

Armored Division man our PAVs. Armored Division troopers typically carry a pistol,and a small shovel.Only our largest club has Armored Division and they make up 1% of RBI. Pavs are very expensive but are a hell of a lot of fun.
The RBI PAV carries a large camo net, a walkie talkie, and is armed with an automatic turret gun and a CAPL Rocket Launcher. We man our PAV with 2 men each, and we use Armored Division to turn the tide in stalemates, freak out the enemy and crush defensive positions.
Ranks and Their Requirements
Rank Requirement Priveledges
Recruit Joining Participation
Lieutenant Good Player Recognition
Captain Combat Skill Squad (5 players)
*Commander Command Skill Unit(Team)
**Major Appointed By Supreme General Division(State Team)
***General Elected by Battalion Members Battalion(Country)
****Supreme General Appointed by CIC 2nd in Command
*****Commander-In-Chief Elected Leader of RBI
Membership in RBI includes the right to vote in the election for Commander-In-Chief, particiption in RBI games and tournys and soon, the RBI Newsletter. If you want to work on the RBI Newsletter, go to the RBI Newsletter Site .All members become Recruits as soon as they join Recball International. As they become better in paintball, they are promoted. The ranks are organized lowest to highest, going down.
Joining RBI
If you or your club is interested in joning the elite ranks of Recball International,go to Join RBI .The Commander-In-Chief will E-Mail you with a reply.Please tell your friends and neighbors about Recball International!
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Webmaster: Warlord Alith(a.k.a Slick1234, Slick68) Contributors:Greatemperor, El Franko,Pipe!
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