House of fun
Welcome to my homepage. these pages are the right place to find all kind of junk and fun. When I'm finished, this page will include joks ,funny avi files and so on. It will take some time before I'm finished, because I'm just learning how to build my own homepage
I'm 24 years old Norwegian and working as a teacher (I'm sure that's surprices all my old teachers). Becase I'm teaching in MS application, I need lots of fun stuff (every time somthing wrong happens I have to show a joke). So if you have any fun stuff please mail it to me, an I'm be very grateful.
Jokes of the Year
Seens God was just about done creating the universe, and had a couple of left-over things in his bag of creations. So he stopped by to visit Adam and Eve in the garden. He told the couple that one of the things he had to give away was the ability to stand up and pee. "It's a very handy thing".

God told the couple who he found hanging around under an apple tree. "I was wondring if either one of you wanted the ability. "Adam popped a cork!! He jumped up and begged, "Oh give that to me! I'd love to be able to do that! It seems the sort of thing a man should do. Oh please, oh please, oh please, let me have that ability. I'd be so greate! When I'm working in the garden or naming the animals, I could just let it rip, I'd be sooooo cool. Oh please, God, let it be me who you give that gift to, let me stand and pee, oh please.............." On and on he went like an excited little boy (who had to pee).

Eve just smiled and shook her head at the display. She told God that if Adam really wanted it so badly, and it sure seemed to be the sort of thing that would make him happy, she really wouldn't mind if Adam were the one given the ability to stand up and pee. And so it was. And it was...........well good. "Fine," God said, looking into his bag of left-over gifts. "Whats's left here? Oh yes multipel orgasms.."
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