MP3: This little mp3 was generated by my computer, right after it came out of sleep mode. This has no copyright, and you are free to distribute it as you please.

IMPORTANT: If you don't see anything else on my homepage, this page is the page to see.
Also, check out my VIEW PAGE. Full of mystery pictures, you'll like them.

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Only people have been here.

Hello there, I hope you enjoy my page. If there's anything wrong with it, please report it to me (, like spelling errors and stuff. Thank you kindly. enjoy : )

I made this for your enjoyment, have fun with the games, and come back soon.

This cube may be hard to finish at first, but when you play around with it, it becomes much easier to finish. I hope you will have fun with it, don't get mad if you can't get it. Everyone should give this a try, even people who don't think they can do it.

Press s to scramble,(if it doesn't work, press s while positioning the mouse cursor somewhere in the applet region).



These are some links. Check them out, they're cool.

This is Kristine's Home Page.
Tansy's newhomepage (ONLY works with IE 4.0 or higher).
A page by Jaden. Click here.


Ice Blox




Thank you, that's all the games I have for now. See ya later

You can E-mail me at


I wanta draw something.

This is the end, no more

O Canada Ring!
This OCR! site is owned by David .

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Feeling some Canadian Pride? Join Now!
Next Site, eh!

The only reason this song is here is because it was on Back To the Future, and I like that movie, plus the other ones.

You don't have a midi player, so get one at <A HREF="">Crescendo!</A>

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Disclaimer: Don't stare into this aperture, that's right, the one you're looking into to read this, stop looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm warning you, there's radiation from this point. Oh well. I tried to warn you, any eye damage is not the fault of me. hehe ;o) Oh ya, and if you go to Mc Donalds too much, it's not my fault is anything bad happens to you, like your left ventricle stops working, or if you block your renal arteries, if that happens, you're screwed. You know why? Because the nephrons won't be able to do their job.

Updated: September 12, 2004