This is a web site where I can rant freely about anything that comes to mind. I find that such ranting helps me as a philosopher and a writer insofar as I must attempt to be clear in putting my thoughts and experiences to "paper".

Feel free to send me any intelligent email (flames will be ignored). I do reply to all messages, except flames which are ignored, but the turnaround time for a reply will depend upon my workload. I just don't check my Yahoo! email that often.

All writings that appear on this site are, unless otherwise specified, Copyright (C) Dr. John B. Williston. All Rights Reserved.

Phil's Thoughts

What's New?

The following is a set of links to the last several items added to the site. If you prefer to browse by category, keep scrolling down the page!

Date Category Details
06/20/2008 Technology Vista: Defrag vs Prefetch
06/13/2008 Game Review Hellgate: London
03/06/2008 Game Review Gears of War
03/05/2008 Game Review Clive Barker's Jericho
03/04/2008 Game Review Titan Quest
11/21/2007 Game Review Enemy Territory: Quake Wars


Why do I do this to myself? As a technologically savvy user on the PC side of the computing fence, I find myself asking that question pretty often. As I run into nightmare after nightmare, I can't help but wonder how the average user ever gets anything accomplished. My notes about my experiences with technology go into my daily journal, and I offer the following edited reproductions thereof in the dim hope of helping others.

Terrible Tales of Technological Terror
Tips, Tricks, and Support for Windows XP


I'm a relatively hard-core gamer, so if you're looking for reviews, gaming-related essays, etc. the following links might prove interesting.

All-Time Favorite Games
Blade of Darkness Fan Site
Game Reviews
Gaming-Related Essays
Reasons I've Been Kicked
Starcraft Analysis
Warcraft III Analysis


We live in a nutty world. The following address certain aspects of that nuttiness.

Election 2004: America Rejects the Left
A Software Bill of Rights
An Epitaph for Columbia
Budget Surpluses
The California Power Crisis