This is a web site where I can rant freely about anything that comes to mind. I find that such ranting helps me as a philosopher and a writer insofar as I must attempt to be clear in putting my thoughts and experiences to "paper". Feel free to send me any intelligent email (flames will be ignored). I do reply to all messages, except flames which are ignored, but the turnaround time for a reply will depend upon my workload. I just don't check my Yahoo! email that often. All writings that appear on this site are, unless otherwise specified, Copyright (C) Dr. John B. Williston. All Rights Reserved. |
Phil's ThoughtsWhat's New?The following is a set of links to the last several items added to the site. If you prefer to browse by category, keep scrolling down the page!
TechnologyWhy do I do this to myself? As a technologically savvy user on the PC side of the computing fence, I find myself asking that question pretty often. As I run into nightmare after nightmare, I can't help but wonder how the average user ever gets anything accomplished. My notes about my experiences with technology go into my daily journal, and I offer the following edited reproductions thereof in the dim hope of helping others. Terrible Tales of Technological Terror GamesI'm a relatively hard-core gamer, so if you're looking for reviews, gaming-related essays, etc. the following links might prove interesting. All-Time Favorite Games OtherWe live in a nutty world. The following address certain aspects of that nuttiness. Election 2004: America Rejects the Left |