Welcome Everyone... I see you have stumbled upon my website. (I wonder what in the world made you do that) But since you are here, you're welcome to look around. I know what you're saying, why else would you make a website if you don't want people to look at it...Well I suppose that is the reason most people make a websites, but me, well, I just feel like making it... for ME!!! Yeah I am a very self centered individual who believes that all I think and feel should... no... must be open to the public because of all the valuable information it possess... So, yeah, no, awww who gives a shit anyway? You don't care why I actually made this web site any more then a frog cares why there is a stuffed dog twenty feet away from it... The point is, it's here... So if you don't like it, email me... And POLITELY inform me why you don't like it. I will most likely not answer your message and will not take your dumb ass advice so I really don't see the point in this whole thing, but good luck anywho... |