Forbidden Paths

Forbidden Paths is a PBEM RPG set in a fantasy world.
The adventure has begun!

In the kingdom of Quam, those who defy the royal authority have ventured down forbidden paths, and must be punished. Such individuals are sentenced to be banished, not from the land, but from reality...

You twitch violently as if suddenly awakened from a terrifying nightmare, and stagger to your feet from the cold earth where you must have collapsed. Your head throbs with pain, and you sway as you try to recall what happened - Where are you?

A sharp memory jabs at your mind and jolts you to full consciousness. Frightened, you try to slow your rapid breathing. You strain your ears to listen for others present, but only your heart beats with deafening sound amidst the deathly silence that immerses you.

You realize that you are alone in what looks to be the same room where ten tall figures cloaked in black surrounded you only moments before. The room feels somehow - wrong, and your eyes dart to the only door as an unnatural chill begins to seep into your flesh. You don’t know who or what might be outside waiting for you; but an eerie, prickly feeling running up your spine convinces you that there is no time to hesitate. In a sudden flurry of movement, you bolt for the door and throw yourself against it. The exit opens easily, and what you see next stops you as effectively as if you had run into a stone wall. A new thought enters your mind, and with its arrival, all others disappear.

...and so it begins...

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Story - A brief history
Characters - A description of the characters available
Magic - An explanation of magic
Battle - A rough description of how battles work
Invitation - Info about joining the game and a form to submit a character
Players' Page - A resource and info page for players, lurkers, and visitors
Chat - Forbidden Paths now has its very own chat page!
Map - A map of the land