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This is not just any version of GUEdit. On the contrary... This is the extremely rare version 2.3 version that was suppressed by the "elite" map makers. I have it here for all of you to use. It's most important feature besides a streamline map protection system: INSTANT UPGRADES.

SCEP2 for SC 1.09
I have receieved an updated copy of SCEP 2 from Zap himself. It runs with all versions of Windows, and as far as I can tell, runs fine with the most current version of Starcraft. CELEBRATE.

Stardraft is what made all the custom editors possible.

RPG Template
This is my latest attempt to help all you struggling RPG makers. These days I have started to sway toward making only RPG's (ya right, they take forever). Either way, I have figured out a few things from all my editing. This is the first place to start. After that, Go here. 2k

Cash - Kill Triggers
This is a .trg file I made. It is a basic template so you can convert specific units into specific points and resources. has had this topic for a while; however, I decided to take the initiative and create the .trg files so that people can just download it. 6.68k.

Player 12 Triggers
I take no credit for these triggers. They give you the ability to manipulate the mysterious Player 12 (dead units, critters). Very useful to make blood maps and to make towns. I use it mostly to erase dead players.

Map colors!
This is a cool program. It allows for you to be able to place cool colors in mission briefing text (you have probably seen this before) and in in-game text. Very easy to use. 6k! Requires vb40032.dll (380k).

Hits since August 16, 2001:

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