Gunsmith Cats Logo

November 19, 1999

Well, some unexpected events occured, and I wasn't able to update for a while, but I'm back now, and I hope to get even more stuff up soon. And my Guestbook has benn screwing up, so the whole page probably won't load. BTW, I watched GSC, and it is my favorite anime I've seen so far.

November 1, 1999

Hey everyone, this officially my first update! I got a lot more pics up in the gallery, but that's pretty much it. I also added a new section for movies. Right now pretty much all you can do is look at the gallery and sign my guestbook (please?). Enjoy. Oh, and one other thing, I like to goto Kiera Yin Cat's Game Pond a lot under the user names "Kefkathe3rd" or "GunSmithKefka", so drop by and say something (I hope Kiera doesn't mind.....).

October 27, 1999

Hello people! Welcome to my Gunsmith Cats page. I created this site because Gunsmith Cats looks like an awesome show. The only problem is, I haven't gotten to see it yet! The rental store near me doesn't have it, so I'll probably have to buy it somewhere. Anyways, look around my site and e-mail me with your thoughts.

((--Under Construction--))

Rally Vincent

GSC Storylines ((--Coming soon--))
Character Bios
Picture Gallery
Music ((--Coming soon--))
Movies ((--Coming soon--))
Guns!!! ((--Coming soon--))
GSC (and other) Links ((--Coming soon--))
Kefka the 3rd ((--Coming soon--))

Mini May

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This Gun Smith Cats Fan Ring Site owned and operated by Kefka the 3rd.
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Since October 27th, 1999.

Note: This is strictly a fan site that is maintained by Kefka the 3rd. In no way is it associated with the creator of Gunsmith Cats, Kenichi Sonoda or the producers, A. D. Vision Films.