gotta catch "em all"

Welcome to Adam Foster's Poke-mon page!

Welcome to my poke-mon web site. i have got pictures and informatian of all the charecters to all the cheat to the game and evreything you what to know.


right lets get started. the red or blue game for the gameboy are £24.99 each or £30.00 to £35.00 for both of them, or can you wait for the gold and silver game what will be comeing out in the year 2001 but thats a long way a way so buy the red or blue.

the game is about a boy on 2 legs running around because he would like to be a poke-mon master he has to collect all 150 pokemon and the special ones, but i have heard that when the gold/silver games pack comes out there will be...wait for it 250 poke-mon.

the poke-mon yellow is comeing out in november the 18th and your 1st poke-mon is pikicu

poke-mon is on itv at 9.25 every saturday + sunday or look up on

pokemon is the best game selling at the moment but and stocks are running lo so buy it now before its to late.

till thought to be mere rumor in many parts of the world, (151) Mew has only been seen in captivity a few times . The most amazing aspect of this ultra-rare Pokémon is that it possesses the ability to learn every single TM an HM ever created. As a result, Mew is extremely sought after by collectors and i've got 1.

Like I was saying pokemon gold/silver I not coming out till the year 2001 so I will tell you all about it well instead of ask you are a boy and instead of your rival (gary) you have someone else. It all start off when dr. utsugi (the new researcher) get an e-mail from his old mate PROFESSOR OAK!!! Saying that there has been a new discovery so dr. utsugi has to go to see professor oak but he's to busy so you who lives next door to the dr. utsugi research lab have to go for him!!! You get to start with a new lot of pokemon they are called hinoarashi, waninoko, chikori-ta. There are many new kinds of pokemon and unevoled pikachus unevoled chanseys. also you have to chase a farfetch'd around a forest and get back all the slowpokes what team rocket have stolen and hid them in a cave and lots more. coming soon pokemon gold download its the best so far and so is pokemon gold but on may the 2nd it will be on this web site!!!

Hi again it is now the 6th of april the day poke'fans have been waiting for... pokemon gold/silver comes out in the UK. so here are all the information you will need to start playing the game.

NAME: pokemon gold/silver

PRICE: £29.99

MAKE: game freaks



