Welcome to Whiplash Omega's Domain, although this is not a big or very resourceful site at this time (let me guess next you will click the back button!!!) I am trying to improve it, for the last update time check the news section it should have it, If you are a new commer I just deleted the RPG section, it just wasn't workin' out, well I hope you enjoy your self at my site, however improbable that is! and don't worry it is not an all about me site!
I added the new gif library with a few of my better gifs that I have collected in working on this site. enjoy.
For any info on future updates go to the news page
If you would like to download one of my Starcraft campaigns click on this link.
I Have the links to my sponsors(sort of the companies and such that got me started) ready you are welcome to visit any of them if you like. If you want or have a webpage and you like mine check these out, they may help you get started.
Need books? buy them at my Barns and Nobles affiliate online bookstore!(click the link below)
Come see my Ancient Sayings (by me). You might enjoy them
A new thing on here, I have some poems, these aren't my best, that you can read, you might enjoy them.
Have any questions? Comments I'd be happy to here them. Just log on to your mail server and send them to whiplashomega@hotmail.com
My site is a small site filled with what I like, yet there are many things that I like not in here I enjoy legos and many other things, like playing my first person RPG game, I am seriously in need of more spells for my game. If you play RPG's you would be doing me a big favor to e-mail me with some spells. e-mail them to whiplashomega@hotmail.com please, I would appreciate it.
Look around a bit, see if you see anything that you like then come back another time if you want to. Have you made any Starcraft maps, or campiagns? I'll list 'em on my site, just e-mail me with the map as an attachment, there fairly small so it should be fine. If you need my e-mail address again it's whiplashomega@hotmail.com.
Here's all the links again!
Home | Starcraft Campaigns | My Church | news and updates | links | Barnes and Nobles | Cheats | Gif Library | Ancient Sayings | poems |
Hey, come to this site, I took it over after the other webmaster quit, it primarily deals in comics and such, don't worry, the comics aren't mine, I just put them on the internet.
I have had hits since 1/21/2000