BabyCharmander's PokePark
BabyCharmander's Note: Hi ppl. I'm BabyCharmander. This site is MAJORLY under construction with the pics background and sounds. But here it is. without all the fancy stuff. The specials in this site are the codes and the pics. And I promise, I promise I'd get PikaTimes done as soon as I get my hands on the pictures I took. (If u didn't know what it is, it's the free newspaper in this park : ) ) And that's it! I can't take it anymore! I'm gonna upload that Picture Gallery and make serval page so that it doesn't load that long! And I mean this!!! I'm working on a text Pokedex, and I'm trying to find a background for each of them. So PLZ and I MEAN PLZ help me with this or else I'll have to stick with the drawings in that official guidebook and make them into a background (and that doesn't actually look nice... well in a way it looks bad.) Ha!I finally updated my codes page! ALWAYS remember this: I am partically always on net and I always update the page so you kinda need to press Refresh like once an while or something. Hope u like the park. 
site is mostly pics and codes so I need more stuff. I add music
on every page too. I'll continue searching for those stuff and if
u have any information that u can give me then PLZ do so.
GO TO THE NEW PAGE: DJ Charmander's PokeStation!!!

That's my button! Go to Link to Us to get this button on your page.
I don't know since when 'cause this thing resets itself!!!! Arg!!!!
FastCounter by LinkExchange
HAHA! I got a new counter! Even though it's suppose to have more hits then that!
many people are watching this page now.
My Guestbook
My Guestbook

I'm an Official Pokemon Trainer!!! Hey it is
a gif. 'k(meaning ok)? Because my html part won't work so I just
copied the thing on my download screen thingy.

I got a Pokemon License!!!
BabyCharmander (as in me!)
LEVEL 100 |
Adopted on 8/23/99. Loves to jump around! |
LEVEL 100 |
Adopted on 8/23/99. Loves to swim! |

Hey! Vote for me... Well once I'm done
fixing up the pics page. But u can just look at the other stuff first. If u think that my infomation there is useful, vote for me, k? Also go to the vote for me section if u REALLY wanna vote for my site.
To Pikachu's Pokeball
To Bonpronovi's Pokemon Information Center