Golden Eagle's


           Microsoft   Links

            Golf Courses


                                            Below is a list of golf courses that I currently                                           have which you are welcome to download                                If you have any courses which are not here,
                            please go to the UPLOAD site (link below)
                                I'll then make them available in the Download


Bountiful 2000 *
Bountiful LS *
Banff Springs #
Barton Creek  LS *
Big Horn #
Canyons *
Castle Pines 2000 *
Castle Pines LS *
Cog Hill  LS *
Congressional *
Covered Bridge *
Devils Island *
Dorado Beach *
Entrada *
Firestone CC South Course 2000 *
Firestone CC South Course LS *
Hapuna *
Innisbrook *
Kapa Bay #
Kapatua Plantation *
Kapatua village *
Latrobe Country Club Fall *
Mauana Kea Resort *
  Oakland Hills CC *
Pebble beach *
Pelican Hill *
Pinehurst 2 *
Pinehurst 8 #
Phoenix #
Praire Dunes *
Riveria #
Sea Island *
St Andrews Jubilee *
St Andrews New *
St Andrews Old *
The Bell #
Torey Pines *
Troon #
Valderra #
Valhalla #
VGA Bay Hill *
VGA Cog Hill *
VGA Firestone *
VGA HarboutTown *


Unfortunatly, due to the fact that persons have
been altering folders on the download site,
I have had to revert to this process.

You WILL need a FTP program
(clik here if you need one).
If you are unsure how to set it up,
contact me.

When you are ready to download,
contact me for password & stipulate
if you want * or # password.

Courses can only down downloaded
from these 2 sites.

                                        Once you have downloaded the Course folder of the course you want,
                        open the folder, copy all the files in it then paste into your
                     Links LS2000 folder. Courses should work immediately.

Once you confirm that the courses work,
delete the original folder you downloaded.


         -  for UPLOADS

The following details will be required
Username - 
Password - eaglegolf

{once logged in, look on left then clik on Links Courses
highlight Links Course, make a new folder, make sure that
folder is open then upload into the new folder}



                                       if any problems, contact me

                            ICQ -      




EDITING TODAY 22 October... 18 July 2006 18 August 2006