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You heard it. A strange, compelling voice in your head, calling from the odd purple portal swirling before you. It is irresistable. You approach the portal, both fearful and excited, wondering what lies through it. Does it hold a doom unimagined, or glory unapproached by your humble life. It calls you, and you listen. Stepping through, you give yourself to the wonder of it, and appear in a new, unmapped and untamed land. Dereth.
Born again in Dereth, alone and wandering. Small tasks confuse you, groups of monsters beset you. People in towns are not helpful, the shopkeepers only hint at what you need know, and you are lost in the fields and deserts, looking for treasure and honor with no direction. With little but your clothes and courage you set off to see what you can discover. You manage to kill some monsters, gain some basic goods, and wonder what else there can be in this world.
We are the Dereth Guard, a volunteer organization built around the foundation of honor and valor, and we serve all travelers of Dereth. We are here to help guide and grow any who seek our assistance, be it through our swords and spells, to directions, to company to travel with. We give our time freely to any in Dereth who may need assistance, and will go to great lengths to provide this help. We cover all of Dereth, with branches in each town, and leadership in every skill group. Founded under the idea that it is safer to travel with others than alone, we gather as a force whenever called upon, travel in groups whenever possible, and come to the aid of whoever needs it when summoned. A member of the Dereth Guard should be considered an active guide to our land, able to point you to the next adventure, to escort you to the next town, or to gather a group of adventurers to help regain your goods from a monster.