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Diplomacy SIG
Web Page

Welcome to the Diplomacy SIG Web Page! Here, you can find out about ongoing games the Diplomacy SIG is running, learn more about Diplomacy in general, or contact the people who run the SIG! For the standard blurb, read the Frequently Asked Questions page.

There are four main ways of playing Diplomacy:

  • Face-to-face is the traditional way, where people sit around a board.
  • Play-by-mail is the next method, where people send physical letters to each other, and someone coordinates the moves and sends out results.
  • Play-by-email was the next evolution, similar to play-by-mail except that email was the method of communication.
  • Judge Play, with an email program serving as adjudicator, was the natural progression. Check out the link for more information on this method.

Your first stop, for any level of ability, should definitely be The Diplomatic Pouch. This HUGE encyclopedia has information on the strengths and weaknesses of each country, information for newbies, information for experts, good endgames, good start games, you name it, they've got an article on it!

For more information on starting or joining a Mensa game, contact Kate Slaminko.

Strategy and Gameplay

Standard Openings for the typical Diplomacy Game
Statistical Look at Standard Openings
Stalking the Perfect Alliance
Midgame and Endgame Solutions
Diplomacy Survival Guide
Library of Diplomacy Tactics
County by Country Guides plus much more

Important Web Links

The Diplomatic Pouch, The best known collection of articles and information!
Internet Point-Of-Introduction - tons of good Diplomacy advice
A Beginner's Guide to On-Line Judges, a must read for those who have never used a judge.
USBR Judge, for on line Diplomacy
Current Openings on the Available On-Line Judges
Ad for the new Computer Diplomacy Game!

Links to Online Judge Mensa Games


New to on line judges? Here is information for you to get started. It's very easy to join or simply to observe on line games.

On Line Issues

DiploMag #136, June 1998
DiploMag #137, September 1998
DiploMag #138, January 1999
DiploMag #139, April 1999

Who To Contact

Kate R Slaminko, Chairperson
Eric Young, newsletter editor
Mike McCabe, ombudsman

US Mensa, our parent organization