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August 23, 1999 
Once again a new site, with new design, and new graphics. All graphics were created by me (MC) and require my authorization to use any of them.  

Anyways, it has been over a month since I have updated, and now I am back to updating. Consider it my vacation.  

The update is kind of weak, but I been on HEAT in weeks. In fact, I haven't even read that rant in over a month. Because of this, it will take me a little while to get back in the mix of things. So stay with me here.  

Critic's Corner - MaskedCritic is Back! (How many times has that been said?) : Degree Value Decreases, Yet More Degrees Circulate : HEAT Getting Desperate? : HEATSTOCK Comes to an End... Finally! 
Back To The Drawing Boards - Field Reporters Remain Consistent : Official Radio Station of HEAT?  
And the Winners are Always... - Winners list updated 
Bizarre News - More Weird News 
Links - New Section, awaiting your submissions 
Parking Lot - More parkers!