Flags of the Confederacy Click on the Battle Flag to hear the melody of "The Bonnie Blue Flag" if you can't hear it playing in the background. This site has been in operation for over three years and proudly displays a number of the flags of the Confederacy. Let others take the flags down but as long as I am webmaster, this flag will keep flying here just like it does on the flagpole in my front yard. Harrah for Dixie and may its memory last forever! The Flags they Fought and Died For Flag Dedication Page National Flags Eastern Theatre Flags Western Theatre Flags Tribute to Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson Gen. W. L. Jackson CSA Memorial Page Confederate Links Read my Guestbook Sign my Guestbook I am always looking for flags to add to these pages. If you have a graphic of a regimental flag of the ANV or the Army of the Tennessee, or if you know links on the web where I might find them, or if you have comments on this page, email ConfedGray at confedgray@mountain.net This Is An Unreconstructed Reb Site Award Received 4/20/01 from the Capt. William McKinney Irion Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #1799 Award Received 3/28/01 Award received from Military.com, March 28, 2001.
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