A worthless homepage with a few links. Maybe
I'll do something more in the future with it. This page is mainly
just so I can say I have one.
This page will be divided into a few areas which
will eventually become wholly seperate pages.
Pictures: Really to keep my friends up on what's
going on with me.
Thesis: That's right, I'm working on a thesis
on John Steinbeck. There are some really great resources out there
on the web about Steinbeck and his works. I plan on compiling some
of these into a nice little list to be kept here, as well as assembling
some of my own information to throw up on the web.
Music: I imagine I'll throw up some stuff about
my musical tastes as well.
For now, I think I'll just put some pictures and
a few links to the places on the web that I spend most of my time: